ISAIAH.Omzs 46, 47, Bcox I.Cu. go. Come, wam not aright;Speak flatteriugly to us, and warn us by Hatteriug,And tum the mad for us, and widen our path;Take away from our faces the HGLY of Israel. Since you scorn this statement,And trust falsehood and cunning, and rest upon them,This your fault shall become like a. crackIn a high rampart bursting to fall,Which suddenly opening will fall into shatters,And splinters, like bad pottery broken.When broken unpitied, not picked up ;No fragment remains for hot ashes,Or to dip in a pan for a. drink.Yet thus said the Loma or LIFE, IsRAnL’s Hour,In return and submission, your safety will be,And in quiet and trust be your strength.—-—— Not so !We will gallop on horses, and ride upon coursers,‘You, therefore, shall iiy,———your pursuers shall chase l“And five thousand when threatened by One shall Hy off!IOIII216Till you are alone like a pole on a Hill top, a flag on a Mountain l-Bnt still the Loma waits to befriend you,—·—delays out of pity,For the LIVING GOD judges,—·I-Ie guides all who trust Him.If the Race within Zion will weep in jerusalem,Will He not show merciful pity to you?When hearing the voice of your cry He will answer lTh’ Almighty has given you bread of aihiction,And water of grieving :—-·And no more His canopy guards lBut again you shall see it extended above,And your ears hear a word nom behind you directing;This is the road that is_right,—-—that is the wrong one.Then when you are sick of your silver clothed Idols,And their vestments embossed with your gold, Be gone ·l ’Then HE will give rain on your land sown with grain,And the ground produce bread, and grow herbage and oil,And your cattle shall graze in that time on fat plains,And the bullocks and colts tilling land, shall eat cornThat is winnowed by blower and fan.And. on every knoll, and on each rising hill,In the day of nerce fight, when thefortresses fall,Will spring fountains and babbling streams;With the light of the Moon, like the light of Noon Sun,And the Sunlight be sevened, like seven days’. light,In the days when the Loan heals the bruise of His Race,And cures its festering wound.Ona 47.®¤h’¤ §¤mzr.Look! The power of the Loma comes from far!Hot wrath and rage loading His lips,And His tongue like devouring tire,And His breath like a rising·tlood reaching the neck,To scatter the heathen with withering storm,And a bridle to put in the jaw of the Pagan I44718zo