Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 448

The Books of the Prophets

Cas. 30, 31, 32._ l Oxms 47, 48, 49, Bocx 1. ISAIAH. 33 31 32 Then sing as you do on a festival night, And be glad in your hearts as you dance to the pipe, To ascend the LORD°S` Mountain to Israel’s Rock, Where the terrible voice of the LORD will resound, And His arm will be seen to strike down in fierce rage, Bright iiarne, with devouring fire, floods, hailstones. and storm. The LORD’S voice shall strike Ashur, as though with a. staff; And wherever that punishing rod is applied, Which the LORD lays upon him with strokes, It will iight with the clashing of warrior bands. For the old spreading Slough for its King was prepared, With a broad, wide pile of fire, and plenty of wood, And as a. river of sulphur, the LORD’S breath inilamesl ODE 48. 65132 3¤11g nt Glmsting in (Egypt.

Woe Q you descenders to Mitzer for help ! Who rely upon horses, on chariots who trust, Because they are many: And upon horsemen··-—because very strong, But trust not on Isxanrjs HOLY, And seek not the LORD;

Yet HE also is wise and a friend, And He breaks not His word ; And can rise on the Wicked whodo you the wrong ; But your Mitzer is MAN, not a GOD; And his horses are Fresh, and not mind ; When the LORD lifts HIS hand, Helped and helpers fall broken, Together the whole are destroyed I For thus said the LORD to myself, As the lion and tiger roar over their prey, Though against them the troop of the Shepherds may shout, They fear not their voice and cease not for their noise, So the LORD will descend on Mount Zion, To light for her Hill! For the LORD or Hosrs over jerusalem guards, As birds do their young, Guards, and shelters, and leaps to release l ‘ Turn, Israel, back to the ONE you offended l And lling out at that time, Each his Idols of Silver,»and· Idols of Gold, Which your own hands have made; And then Ashurshall fall by the sword_,——not of man, And the sword shall devour,~·—but not of mankind ; And himself fly the sword, and his heroes shall faint, And with terror abandon his Camp, Says the Loan Who has brightness in Zion, }erusalern’s splendour. One 49. @32 iiigbiwnz `§ing. See! a King-shall rule justly, and princes do right, And a Man be a shelter from wind, and a refuge from storm, Like pools in a dry, like ashadowing Rock in a wearisome-land, 448

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