Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 452

The Books of the Prophets

ODES 53, 54, 55, Book I. ISAIAI-I. 16


10 36 CH. 34. Consult the LoRD’s record and mad, Not one of them shall want her mate, For H12; mouth gives command, and His Spirit collects. Himself casts their lot; has apportioned their fate, To possess her for ever, Dwell iu her for ages. ODE 54. 2\ Snug §F¤r2i2I1iug uf Zimfz iiizhzxrrptiun. Let the Moorland and Desert rejoice, Arbah laugh and with lilies spring up, Be fruitful in produce and laugh, Ah, yes! laugh and shout,

For now Lebanon's Glory is hers, Carme1’sisplendour, and Sheron’s combined; They see our LoRD’s splendour,—·-the glory of GOD! Cheer up the swealohanded, the trembling knees help; Courage, weak hearts, you need no longer fear, See! Your GOD comes your wrong to redress, Gon Himself comes as Saviour to you l Now the eyes ofthe blind shall be opened, The ears of the deaf be unclosed And the crippled shall leap like a stag, And the tongue of the silenced shall shout! Water spring on the Moorland, and rivers in Arbah, The Mirage be lakes, and the dry sand have springs · Snake’s dens, water meadows, with rushes and reeds. And a highway and road. shall be there, The road of the Right. And the Vile shall not use it, but HE, HIMSELF, lead, And the Wicked not traverse that way.

N 0 lion he there, nor shall fierce beasts ascend, Nor revenger met walking therein; But the LORD’s ransomed returning, Returning to Zion with cheers, With delight everlasting, and joy on their heads; Grief and anguish will fly as with joy they return! A NAR1zArivE ODE 55. Elie `ifiistnrg ut .€+mmlic1·ih's Enimsimr aah ®tzrri,l;r¤ln. It was in the fourteenth year of

Hezekiah that Senakerib, King of Ashur, assailed all fortiiied Cities of judah and captured them. Then the King of Ashur sent Rabshakah with a powerful army from Lakish to ]erusalem against King Hezekiah, and he stationed himself on the Reservoir Hill, at the ascent of the Fullers’ Field, where Eliakim—ben— Hilkiah the Prime Minister, and Shebna the Secretary, and joakh- ben-Asaf the Chancellor, met him. Then Rabshakah said to them: I wish you to report to Hezekiah what the Great King, the King of Ashur asks :-· ‘ What is the support upon which

you rely? You tell me,—but they are only words of the lips,--1 have genius and power for war.-··Now on whom do you trust? that you have rushed on me? ‘You are trusting upon the sup- port of that shattered reed Mitzer? When a man leans on it, it goes into his hand and pierces it.——Pharaoh King of Mitzer is that, to whoever trust upon him! ‘But if you say to me, We trust 452

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