Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 451

The Books of the Prophets

ISAIAH. - Cu. 33. Orms 52, 53, Boox I. Leave the ropes,-·—hau1 them not, Neither spread out the banner, Fly now to the plunder,-—divide the big booty, You phmderers leap on the prey l Let not the bedridden say, ‘ I am wounded. The man held by tha.t,—·-let him rise in his strength} Om; 53. ®¤b’¤ @i¤gust at the §z¤ihzn. Approach Nations to hear, and the Peoples to listen; Hear Earth and all in it, the World and its products. For the Loma is iu auger against all the Heathen, Is enraged at their Armies;-—devotes them to slaughter. Their wounded and corpses flung out yield a stink, And the hills shall be soaked with their blood! All their Heavenly Army dissolves, And their Heaven rolls up like a sheet, All their Army shall wither as withers the leaf, As withers the fig and the vine,

For My sword in the heavens is whirled, On Edom behold it rush down, On the Nation I sentence to die! The LoxD’s sword is iilled full of blood, Is fattened with milk, with the blood of the vine, With the fat of the kidneys of goats and of rams: For in Bozrah the LGRD makes a feast, A great sacrilice in Edom’s land. And the buffaloes also will fall, T he bullocks along with the bulls, And their land will be drunk with their blood, And its dust will be sated with fat. For the Lo1zD’s day of justice has come, The year to redress Zion’s case. So its streams turn to pitch, and to sulphur its dust, And its land will become burning pitch l It shall never be quenched night or day, But its smoke rise up age after age; Deserted for ever and ever,·——and no one pass through! In her buzzard, and hedgehog} shall dwell, And the owl, andthe raven reside, When Ruin’s1asso is over her flung, And Anarchy’s stones are on her. None the fame of her Kingdom will tell, All her nobles will come to be naught, And thorns in her palaces grow, In her fortresses nettles and briars, And her Court be the shelter of Snakes, And the Daughters of Woe!

There hyenas and jackals shall snort, And the wild goat shall call to his mate;


IO II 12 There the screech·owl will shriek, and prepare her a nest; There the Night Raven nest, and lay eggs, And hatch them and guard in her shed, There the she vulture meet with her mate. 4 s I
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0451

The History of the People of Israel