the LORD, and he struck one hundred and eighty—f1ve thousand in the camp of Ashur; and when they awoke in the morning they saw all those dead bodies. Then Senakerib, King of Ashur, struck his tents and marched and retreated to Nineveh, and re- turned to Nineveh. There while he was worshipping in the temple of his god N isrok, Adramelek and Sharatzer his sons slew him with a sword. They afterwards fied to the High- lands, and Asar—haddon his son succeeded him. Ona 57. §zg2kial;'s Elluzss. At that time Hezekiah was seriously
ill, and Isaiah~ben·Amoz the Preacher The LORD says thus :—-·‘Arrange your family affairs, for you will die, and But Hezekiah turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the EvaR·L1v1NG, I entreat You, the EVER- LIVING, to remember how I have conducted myself before You with a true and sincere heart, and the good Then Hezekiah wept a great weeping. Then an order came from the EVER-
Go and say to Hezekiah, ‘ Thus says the Evan-L1v1No Gon
of David your ancestor ;——I have heard your prayer,-—I have seen your tears,——so I will add fifteen years to your days. I will also rescue you and this City from the hand of the King of Ashur, and will shield this town, and this shall be a proof to you from the Evan-Lxvmc, that the Evan-r.1v1NG will effect the event of which He has promised; I will return the Advancing Shadow on the Dial which has passed down on the Sun—dial of Ahaz from the Sun, Ten degrees backwards;--·so that ten degrees of the Dial shall return on the sun—dial which they Ona 58. Qzgzhialfs §§za1m nf dlyanlwgiiring. Written by Hnzaxxan, King of yndeh, about his Illness, after he was restored from if. In the midst of my days, I must enter the Grave, lose the half of my years; Nor see DIVINE LIFE in the land of the living, Nor see men again with the dwellers at ease. My tent strike and fold, like the tent of a shepherd ; My life be cut off, like a web in the day, Nor continue to weave me till night} I groaned at the dawning as if at a lion, As though he had crushed all my bones, From the day until night as you broke me. Like the circling swallow I twittered, I mourned like a dove; My eyes failed for the LIFE from on High; I was loaded and dark to myself. 455 34