A Voice ordered to cry.——I asked, ‘ That all iiesh is grass; And its beautylike flowers of a field. Grass fades, Bowers fail, _ But our GOD’s promise for ever remains. ODE 4. Ssmzfa @zlilm·¤m:z.
To the Hill-top go up with a message to Zion ·; With News for jerusalem lift up your voice I And raise without fear to the Cities of judah, ‘ Look! Your GOD, LORD 0F LIFE is in power advancing. His arm is directing, His confidence with Him; And His work lies in front! ’ He feeds like a shepherd His flock; He takes up the lambs in His arms, And carries the weak to a stream. Ona 5. QDxt ®¤¤’s (lxirealilrz Quinn:.
Whose palm has measured the Sea? And scattered the suns by a rule 2 And measured earth’s dust in a skep? In a balance who weighed outlthe Hills, And the Mountains who poised in a Scale ? 457 IO II I2