ISAIAH. V _Obxs 5, 6, 7, Boox II.CH. 40.Who trust the Loran will Hourish,Fly on strong ea.gles’ wingsThey march and they faint not!Om: 6.W12 Qbull uf ®gru¤.Be stiltbefore Me Isles,And Tribes renew your strength.Approach, and state your case.Unite to seek the right.Who mused the Hero from the East?Who called him to his feet?Who for him conquered Nations,And threw their Leaders downLike dust before his sword,Like chaff before his bow EHe chased, and safely passed the path,He made not for his feet!Who made, and formed, and told,All these things from the past ?I, the Loma who am the First,And Myself who am the Last.The Islands will see and fear;Earth's bounds be filled with a. dread,Each to cheer his mate will come, Be bold ! ’The Sawyer tell the Smith,Smooth well with your strokes. will say,‘ And firmly fix with nails!But you, My servant Israel, and jacob whom I chose,From my Friend Abraham’s race,I help you from earth’s bounds,I chose and called to you, and named you as my friend.I chose, and not forsook.I0Fear not ;—··~you are my Race;Dread not ;~—-—I am your GOD;I strengthen you and aid, and help with kind right hand.xxAll fail and are disgraced contending against you ;All fail and meetdefeat, if on you they make war;The men assailing you become as nought and fade;12These who have ravaged you, if sought, you will not find;`Whoever fight with you will come- to nought and pas s.For I, the Loan your Gon, can strengthen your right hand,I tell you .not to fear, for I myself will aid ;For I, your living Gon, will add strength to your hand.Fear not, worm jacob, death, for Israel I can help,Says the Loan, who restores you, the Hou of Israel.I will make you my tearing—mill fitted with teeth,To thrashand beat mountains, reduce hills to chaff,And your wind-blast will drive them, the whirlwind will scatter; 16While you joy in jehovah, in Isizanrjs HOLY are glad!Ons 7.®¤it will help the ®pprzsszlt.The poor and the wretched are seeking for water;For their tongue parched with thirst there is none!18I, THE LIVING, will give, Israel’s GOD not refuse,On the hills open rivers, and springs in the vales;Put wells in the desert, with pools in the dry land,And rippling streams.