Onzs 8, 9, 10, Boox II. ISAIAH.21zz2628CH. 41.To the desert give Cedar, Acacia and Myrtle_ Plant Olive, Pine, Plane; and the Bos in the Arbah,That at once they may see, know, reflect, and perceive,That the LORD’s hand has done it, and fear IsRAEL’s HOLY.Ons 8.Uimls ralleb an tu mrslner (Bull. says the Loan. demands jacob’s King.‘ Approach! Foretell things that will happen, beforehand,Inform what they are,—we will lay to our heart.And will hear you teach future events.Tell events of the future and show you are gods;Be kind, fierce, or gracious, and then we shall fear.But you are nothing,-—and your actions naught:Despised be the truster in youOna 9.Qiélrehiriiun nf llliigms uf Qpersiu.I roused him from the North; he comes;He will call from the East on my name;And tread Princes like mud, as a potter treads claylWho told it before, and made known?Who before time correctly declared ?You informed not, nor to1d.——·Nol none heard you declare.I first gave to Zion good news,To jerusalem sent the report;When I searched none were there, and from you none advised;When I asked, they replied not a word,They are all of them vain, and their Makers are fools.Their statues are mere empty winds lBut My servant to whom I am guide,In My Chosen My soul has delight.My Spirit I place upon him,To the Nations he justice proclaims!He shouts not, and will not assail;His voice is not heardin the street;He will not break the reed that is bruised,Nor put out the flickering lamp,But will publish the Truth and the Right.Not waver, and never will fail,Until He fix right on the Earth,Forthe Islesmen afar await Him.ODE ro.wie Messiah iiureislh.Thus says the LIVING GOD, Who formed andspread the skies,Who formed for Earth her fruits; gave men. upon her, sense,And those who walk her, breath.And I, the LIFE, for Mercy send,I make you strong and guide your hand;I send you to My Race a pledge,A light to lead the Heathen souls,Togive the blind eyessight again,From bonds to set the prisoner free,From dungeons those who dwelt in gloom.