Omzs xx, :2, :3, 14, Boox II. ISAIAH.Cu. 42.Ona 11.W32 Mama! Quinn nf Gah.I am EvEn·1.1v11~m;——for that is My Name,And My power to others I never will give;Or My Glory to Idols.Past events have arrived; now the future I tell,Before its arrival to you I announce!ODE 12.3 §¤ng nf ¥rai¤z in ®¤h.Sing to the Lokn a new song!Praise Him from the bounds of the Earth!The Sea., and all that it contains,The Isles and the dwellers in them.You, Moorlands, rise up with your towns;With the grazers inhabiting tents,Cheer, you men of the crags,From the Hill—tops hurrah in delight.His glory assign to the LORD,And His honour report to the Isles.The Loma like a hero comes on,Like a warrior He rouses in ire,He shouts, yes, He roars, overpowers, His foes.‘ Why need I for ever be silent?I strain as if bearing a child,Together I snort, pant, and gasp!I will scorch up the Mountains and Hills,And will dry all their grass,And turn brooks to sea—sands,And will dry up the pools._ Butlead the blind by a road they knew not,Direct therethrough pathways unknown.Place light beforethem in the dark,Turn crooked to_ straight for their road.I will do thisfor them, not forsake.ODE 13.Wu 3nlIg uf Ehulairg.They By back defeated,The trusters in Idols are shamed,Those who named their own Castings their Gods IHear, you deaf! and you blind think, and see lOna 14.Glyn gilzssialy.Who so sharp as My Servant,And skilled as the Agent I send?Who was keen as instructed,Yes I sharp as he worked for the Loma!You saw clearly,—··but cared not,Open·eared,-·—-but you heard not.The LORD loved for His goodness.Exalted His honour and might-;Yet this people are plundered, and robbed,461I0