Cu. 51. _Onns 37, 38, 39, 4c, Bocx II. ISAIAH.Oxm 37.Us ily: 6mm ant Kiglyihmzs.51Hear me, you hunters for right, you who seek for the LQRD, lSEQ B16 ROCIK WIIBQCC YOU W8!'¢ Cut, thB pit WHGDCC YOU WSIB IIEWD {Look to Abraham your father, and Sarah who bore you;I called him when but one; when I blessed him he grew.For the Loan will comfort Zion, restoreall her wastes,joy and pleasure meet in her, with music and song;Make her Moorland. like an Eden, the L0nD's bower, her Arbah.ODE 38.@iirinz fain mth §¤¤iirz ¥r¤miszhMy Race, attend to Me,And My Nation hear My speech;For from Me will come the Law,justice light the troubled Tribes.My Equity advance,And My Salvation meet,My arm the Tribes will guide,The Isles will hope for Me,And on My power confide.Raise your eyes to heaven,And gaze on earth below,For the skies will fade like smoke,Earth will wear out like a cloak,And her people die like gnats,But My Salvation last,And My Hndness will not fail ilHear you who know the right,Men with My Law at heart,Fear not the jeers of men,Nor fall before their curse;Moths eat them like a cloak,And the grub consumes like wool,But My Righteousness exists,My Salvation for all time.One 39.3a Qippzal for Goku Qzlibzrenre.Arm of the LORD, awake, awake- and clothe Yourself in strength.Awake like former times, as in the days of old.Did You not slay the Tyrant, did You not pierce the brute?Did You not waste the Sea,-··—the mighty splashing tide?And make the deep a road for the ransomed to pass o’er?So shall the LORD’s freedimen returning come to Zion,With cheers and long delight, and joy upon their heads,And will attain delight, and grief and anguish fly.One 4o.®nh’s @1za in Israel.I, I, am He giving you comfort;Why, then, do you fear Man the Mortal,Adam’s son, who will wither like grass,And forget your Creator the LQRD,Who has spread out the skies, and made Earth,And fear daily Oppressionfs Eerce face,As the Tyrant prepared to destroy?av:I0III2