Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 474

The Books of the Prophets

Omzs 4c, 4:, 42, 43, Boox II. ISAIAH. CH, SL é-»”$¢ 16 18 21 22 52 Yet, where is the furious Tyrant? The Deliverer is quick marching on, So the captive will not die in jail, And shall not be deprived of his bread; For Myself, Who am your LIVING GOD, Calm the waves of the Sea and their roar, My Name is the LORD of the P0wIsRs; My words I have put in your mouth, I will guard in the shade of My hand, To spread skies and establish the Land, to Zion. Om; 41 dn Zinn, Qrmth in Sin. Arouse me, arouse me, jerusalem pick up, Who drank from the LORD's hand the Cup of His Wrath. The dregs of the drugged cup, she drank and sucked out! Is there none now to help of the sons that she bore? Will none take her hand, of the children she bred P These three things have met you-—and·who will lament you! Break, ruin, and sword,_and who will give you comfort? Your sons fall in stupor at the top of each street; Like deer to the nets, GoD's DIVINI; WRATH impels l So hear this, now, poor wretch, drunk, but yet not with wine; Thus your LIVING PRINCE says;-—youriGOD who guards His Race; ‘ I will now remove from you, the Cup. causing trembling, The great cup of My wrath,-·-you shall drink it no more. But will give to thehand of your wasters, who said : ' Now l lay down your body that wemay pass over! Lay your back like the ground, like the streets to the crowd I ' ODE 42. ZX Sung uf Giriumpb fur tbz ilzllzzmzh. Awake, Zion, awake, and be clothed in your strength! Sacred City, jerusalem, put on your robes! For no more shall come to»you the vile and the wicked, Shake from you the dust, rise, jerusalem, sit up, Loose those ropes from your neck, poor girl, captured from Zion l You were not sold for gain, And with silver shall not be redeemed. For thus has the Pamca EVER··LIVlNG declared, ‘ My Race went afore·time to Mitzer to rest, Where they, and now Ashur, extremely depressed; Asks the LORD, ‘For My People they seize for no debt, Their Masters who make them to howl,’ Says the LORD. ‘And My Name all day treat with contempt? Yet My Race shall acknowledge My Power, On the day when I come, and exclaim, ‘ Here I am |' Ona 43. Ghz Messenger nf §z¤rc.

How fair on the hills the Ambassadors feet, The Announcer of Peace! A good message! announcing to Zion good news, That her God is her King! 474

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