Onzs 43, 44, 45, Boox II. ISAIAH.Cn. 52.Lift, Watchman, your voice, shout together and cheer,When clearly you see that the LORD comes to Zion;Burst out into cheers with ]erusa1em’s ruins,For the LORD comforts His Peop1e,——de1ivers ]erusa}em IHe answered not insult, like a, lamb led to death He unclosed not His mouth,And what will be thought of His age that cut Him from the land of the living ;Who with Criminals fixed Him a grave,-·~but after His death with the Great;Yet the Sin ofthe Many He bore, and He prayed for the wicked.475He was dumb, like a sheep to her shearers, nor opened His mouth,He was seized against justice and Right;Destroyed by the crime of my Race?For no Crime had He done, and no wrong by His mouth.Yet the LORD pleased to depress Him with pain;When He laid down His soul with the vile,But yet. He will see His race spreading with Time.And the LORD’s Will attained by His hand.The work of His life He shall see ·with content.By His instructions My Servant will make many righteous,For He, Himself carried their sins.So I gave Him the Many, and Nobles assigned as His spoil.Instead of that wealth, He poured out His life to the deathAnd was branded with crime.roThe Loan strips His strong arm, in the sight of all Nations,All borders of Earth will then see our Gon is victorious!ODE 44.El): ®rh2r in grabs Wnrmpt § nliglnn.Depart, depart, go out from there and touch not now the vile ICome out from her, depart, and bring the Vessels of the Loki).You will not go in haste, or marching as in flight,But the LORD before you march, Israel’s GOD will guard your rear.Ons 45.Elia Sirizring mvssiab.See My Servant is wise; He will rise, and go up very high,Many will wonder at you,·-when they see you selected from men,And marked out from the children of Adam.As He will cleanse many nations, before Him their kings will be silent;For what they read not, they will see,-—what they had not heard understand.But who will believe our report? over whom is the Lord’s Arm revealed?For He grew before them a weak shoot, likesa plant from dry ground,Unadorned, without honour, He was not respected-—·~nor sought, or desired.Despised and neglected by men, a man in His sorrows acquainted with grief;He was despised, like one hiding His presence from us, and we thought notof Him.However, He carried our griefs, and He bore our sorrows,But we thought He was struck with. God’s stroke and afflicted;Yet He was convicted because of our crimes, and punished because of ourvices ;And by His stripes we were healed !All we like to sheep, went the path each before us;And the LORD punished Him for the faults of us all.III253xoX2