Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 477

The Books of the Prophets

Cu. 55, Omzs 48, 49, 50, Boox II. ISAIAH. Why should you pay money, and not have the bread? And why should you labour and mover be fed? Attend to and hear Mo, and cat of the best, Amd nourish your lives on the richest of food l Attend with your ears and come forward to Me; If you listen your souls will revive in yourselves ! And I will record a. firm contract with you, The strong and the true promise of David I I give him a witness to N ations; A Prince and Lawgiver. to Peoples; You shall call to a. Nation you know not To you Pagans who knew not will run Because of your GOD EVER-LIVING, Aud Israel's HOLY Who honours! One 49. Qu ®zIym·iatimt in $2zk ily: @m·h. To find the Loki), seek Him--call on Him while near I Let the Wicked leave mischief, the Lustful his thoughts; And return to the Loma, and then He will find pity, And come to our GOD, Whose forgiveness is great. ‘ For MY thoughts are not like to your thoughts, And your ways are not Mine/’ says the LORD! ‘ For as high as the heavens rise over the earth, So My ways rise up higher than yours, And My thoughts are thus higher than yours. For as rain and snow fall from the skies, And return not but moisten the earth, Make it bear, and produce and grow grain, And food for the farmer to eat, Thus My word that proceeds from My mouth, Returns not in vain, but will do what I wish, And effect what I sent it to do. So with joy you shall march, and by safety be led ; Hills and Mountains before you burst out into song; And all Trees of the field clap their hands! Instead of the Briar will spring up the Cypress, In place of the Bramble the Myrtle shall growl And be fame for the LORD,-——a fixed Beacon for ever |’ ODE 5o 3 Message from (Enh. -—· Thus the EVER-Livmo says : ‘ Keep to justice, practise Right, For My victory is approaching, And Myiltighteousness is near; Blessed the mortal doing so, The Son of Adam firm in it, Who keeps Sabbath without breach And his hand from doing wrong. Let not the convert say : ‘ The Loma cuts from His Race Nor let the Eunuch cry, I am a withered tree l ’ 477

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