Onzs 50, 51, 52, Boox II. ISAIAH.
Cn. 50.
For thus the EVER-L1v1NG says:
‘ If they My Sabbath keep,
I give them in My home
And wails a place and name,
More fair than girls or sons.
A lasting name I give,
Which will not be destroyed.
And men of Foreign birth
Who join the LORD and serve,
And love His LIVING NAME,
Shall be to Him for sons;
Who keep His Rest unbroken,
And hold His Treaty firm;
‘ They shall reach My Sacred Hill,
joy in My House of Prayer,
And there upon My Altar
Their gifts and offering place,
For My House, a House of Prayer,
Shall be called for every tribe!
For thus the GREAT LORD says,
‘ Whenlost Israel I collect,
I will collect with him,
Beyond him, My select!
ODE 51.
Ellyn mile Kimi uf §ium:r¤.
Come all you beasts of the Field,
You beasts of the Wood to a feast!
All of the Watchers are blind,
All are stupid dull dogs,
Are unable to bark,
Think of sleep and love slumber!
Yet are greedy souled dogs,
Who can never be filled;
And the shepherds care not to look out;
They all go their own way,
Each to plunder his share!
‘ Come on, let us have wine,
Let us seek for strong drink,
For to-morrow will be like to·day,
When vv can get more l
ODE 52.
mlb! @zatl1 nf the rlinulr.
The Righteous has perished ;—·
But none lay it to heart,
And the kind man lies buried;
Yes, the Good is removed,
But no one will reflect S-—~·
From the face of the Bad,
They go, and have comfort in peace,
They go to their rest on their beds.
But, you Sons of Deception approach,
You seed of adulterer and whore,
Against whom do you jeer?
On whom open your mouth?
At whom stretch out your tongue ?
Are you not the children of Sin,
And the Seed of Disgrace?