ISAIAH. _ ,Opz 54, Booz: II.Cu. V5;.01:2 54.frnclumaiimr against Siu.58 •I0III2‘ Shout, roar unrestrained like a trumpet ILift your voice, and declare to My People their crimes,To the Household of jacob their sins!Yet daily they seek, and love learning My path,Like a race doing right, not forgetting tGOD’s law;They seek My just laws,-——andiwith joy approach GOD.Say, ‘ We fast, but You see not,We starve;-—but You know not!Why ?·-——Because on your Fast day you meet for your pleasure,And drive on your workmen! You fast for contention;Your fasting to strike with hard fists, is not fasting.What a day !——when you make your loud voices be heard!Is the Fast I approve such as this,Men to torture their bodies a day ?To hang down like a bulrush their head PTo make sackcloth and ashes their bed P‘ Call it fast—day ’ and ‘ pleasing the Lord ?t ’Is not this the Fastl approve?To free those who are wrongfully boundAnd to loosen your slaves from their yoke?And to seek out and free the oppressed?And that you should remove every wrong ?And to give to the famishing food?The poor wanderers to bring to your house?And those whom you see naked to clothe?And to hide not yourself from your kind ?Then your light would break forth like the morn,And your wings up on highs-would spread out,And before you your bounty would march,With the LORD’S power guarding your rear.You should call, and the LORD would reply,You should shout, and I-Ie answer, ‘ I’m here!If oppression you cast from your breast,And scorn’s finger, and slandering lie.When you share with the hungry your bread,And you comfort the body in pain,Your light will shoot out fromthedark,And your sunset to splendour be turned.And THE LIFE would for ever direct,And in Deserts your body refresh,And the stiffness remove from your joints,And make you like a field by a brook,And near rippling unfailing streams.Then your offspring shall. build up the Ruins,And raise old foundations anew,And call you ‘ The Repairer of walls}The Restorer of safety to roads I 'If on Sabbath you hold back your foot,And make My Holy Day your delight,And declare that My Rest is a pleasure,To worship the LORD with respect,And by forming your path do it honour,480