Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 479

The Books of the Prophets


Onzs 52. 53, Boon II.

cg, 57,

Faul with lust under every green two ? ,. , ~ With child·murdcr in valleys ? And hid in the shrubs of the rocks ? From the Nymphs of the river you choose, They, they are your lot! Yes, to them you pour wine, And you ofer your gifts i How can I approveyou for that ? On the hill high and lofty, You spread out your bed, Behind doors, and hinges You reminders set up. For from Me you have turned, But have spread out your bed, And joined them to yourself! And loved watching their couch ! Abroad seeking the King, You increased your perfumes; Your agents went far, And they sunk down to hell! Worn out with long journeys, ·- You cried “ There is no hope. But, as you still possessed life, You did not quite despair. What fear made you false, And My powers forget? And placed not to your heart, Because I long was still? So you feared not My might ? So I tell you the truth, That your Idols help not; When you ask their protection The Wind blows them away, And a breath will take od l Who trusts Me owns the Land, And has MY Holy Hill! Ona 53. §¤h ®¤¤ §zlp¤ iljz Rzpzntsnt. I order to build up and level the road, Pick the stones from the path of My feet, For thus says the Mighty, the LIVING on high, His Name High and Holy, and Holy His Home;

‘·'I`he meek humble souled I will cause to revive, Will renew the meek spirit and broken in heart, For not always I blame, and not always reprove. Vexed, I punished his sin, but in mercy I struck, And was wroth when he turned to the road of his heart. I_ saw his vile ways,-—but will heal and will lead, And give comfort to him for his griefs, Making Gentle—lipped Peace,-——peace to distant and near} Says the Loxb Who will heal him. ‘ But the Wicked shall toss like the Sea, Which never can rest, IO Il I2 16 18 20 Which casts up from her waters the mire andrdirt, 2; says»my·GOD, “ tor the Wicked 479 _ S

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0479

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