CH. 61.
Gyms 57, 58, 59, Bcox II. ISAIAH.
Om; 57.
M12 mzzsiah gmuzlaimziv.
The Mxcmrv L0RD’s Spirit is cm me,
Yes, the LORD chose me to preach to oppressed,
Has sent me to bind broken hearts,
To p1·0< to the prisoners freedom,
To the bondsmen a means of escape ;
To proclaim times delighting the LORD,
And a Period of gift from our GOD,
And comfort to all those who mourn.
To give Zicm’s mourners a. Gift,
And in place of their ashes a Crown;
Change their sorrow to Oil givingjoy,
For a. broken mind, clothe them in song.
And proclaim them true Oaks,
The fair plants of the LORD.
They shall rebuild old ruins,
The wrecks of the past,
They shall raise and renew mined towns,
Wrecks from ages of ages.
Then the strangers shall stand and shall shepherd your Hooks,
Sons of Strangers shall plow and shall garden,
Priests of the LORD}
The Sanvanrs of Goo!
You shall feed on the wealth of the heathen,
And rule over their pride.
Instead of your shame and your double disgrace,
Cheer when you spoil them,
When double you seize in their land!
For to you lasting pleasure will come;
‘ For I am the LORD loving justice,
And plunder and crime I detest,
So I give them the wages they earned,
But make lasting My Treaty with you.
And your Race shall be known to the heathen,
And your shoots in the midst of the tribes.
All who see them will treat with respect
As the Race that is blessed by the LORD.
Ona 58.
@12 yzzzialfz §¤g in %ia ¤I9£r2.
With joyll rejoice in the LORD,
My Soul will be glad in my GOD,
Who has clothed me in Salvationfs robes.
And has spread Mercy's cloak over me,
Like a Bridegroom adorned with a crown,
Like a Bride who is decked with her gems!
For, as the Earth shoots up her plants,
And a Garden produces from seeds,
S0 the GREAT LORD makes righteousness grow,
And from all Nations joyfulness brings.
Ona 59.
Wir §plzub¤nr Qpmmiszh tn Zinn.
For Zion, I will not be still,
For jerusalem I will not rest,
Till her Pardon arrives like a flash,