Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 485

The Books of the Prophets

Cu. 62. Onxs 59, 60, 61, B001< II. ISAIAH. And Salvation shines out like a lamp. And the Heathen your pardon can see, And all Kingdoms your splendour behold, When to you shall be given a. New Name, Which the mouth of the LORD will impose, And you be a. beautiful crown in the head ofthe LORD, An Imperial Staff in the hand of your Gon I Forsaken} Waste} And your land., like yourself be a wife! As a youth weds a `maid, So your husband will shelter, And as a Groom in his Bride, Your GOD will rejoice over you. ODE 6o. wb: Waichmzn nhzr §zr11¤a12m. On ]erusalem’s Walls I Hx watchmen by day and by night, They never keep silence reminding the LORD, They never are dumb, They will give Him no rest, Till He Bxes and places jerusalem the Glory of Earth. The Loma swore by His right and His powerful arm, ‘ I will no more give your corn to your foes to devour; Nor foreigners feast on the fruits that you cultured ; But your reapers shall eat and give thanks to the LORD, ODE 61. Wl): Kzsluraiimt nf Zim: hear. IO Pass, pass through the Gates, clear the road for the People; Build, build up the highway, and clear it from stones; And raise the Hag over the Tribes. I1 Thus the LORD has proclaimed to the bounds of the earth, ‘ Tell Zion’s Daughter your Saviour has come, He brings His wage with Him,—-His work has been done. 12 And they call you bless’d People set free by the Loan, And name you The Sought—for, the 'I`own—not-forsaken. ODE 62. myc Eunquzring ghlwsiuly. THE Cnowo. 63 ‘ Who is this Who comes up from Edom? In red robes from Botzrah? Him splendid in clothing, Who steps with great power 2 ’ Tm; Museum. I, Who decree justice, THE Mzcurv ro SAv l° Tun Caown. ‘ But, why are Your garments all red ? And Your robes as if treading out wine .2 ' 485
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0485

The History of the People of Israel