Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 487

The Books of the Prophets

ISAIAH. Onzs 64, 66, Boox II. Cu. 64, ODE 64. 3 §ragn1· far Qihinz (lib. Why not rend the skies and descend P Make the mountains to melt at Your sight? As hre lights the brushwood, makes water to boil, To make Your power known to Your foes, And the Heathen to shake at Your sight, As when You did wonders unhoped for, The melting hills ran from Your face. From of old none had heard, nor perceived, nor eye seen, A GOD working like You for those trusting on Him I You delight to meet those who do right, ——· Who bring Your loving ways to their mind , You break from their sin and You save; For we all are detiled, and our virtues old rags, We are all withered leaves, and our lusts drive like wind; None call on Your name, or awake to seek You, S0 You hide Your face, and we waste in the hand of our lusts. Om; 65. Qu ®ui1·2¤ig in Galt.

But, Loan, You are our Father, We were the clay, and You formed, And we all are the work of Your hand. Be not wroth, LORD, for ever, Noralways remember our sin. Oh! regard us,—·we all are Your Race. Your sweet Cities Deserts; A Waste will Your Zion become; And jerusalem wasted; Our Holy and Beautiful Temple, In which our fathers praised You, Will be burnt up with fire, And all that we treasured destroyed! Can You hold back from these, LORD, And keep yourself silent, And answer no more? ODE 66. Ul]: Nessie}; Qimzuhzrzh hg Strangers. 64 I0


‘ To those who asked not, I am taught, Discovered by those who sought not, I have said, ‘ I am here, look at Me,’ To a Nation who knew not My Name. ‘ All day I stretch out My hand to a People perverse, Who walk a wrong path they contrived for themselves. A People who always insult to My face, With their Altars in Gardens, and Incense on Roofs! Who dwell in the Tombs, and who lodge in the Dens, \Vhere they eat flesh of swine, and foul broth from their pots, 1 Nora.-··Ch. 64, v. 4. This fourth verse ot Elves no sense, nor did it tothe Septuagint. I Ch. 64 has been the despairing puzzle of ave tried to find a consistent meanin , but g commentators and translators for over 2,000 may have failed as others before me.-i. F. years, for as it now stands in the Hebrew it 487
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