Omzs 62, 63, Bcox II. ISAIAH.I0III21618Cu. 63.THE Messiah.I trod the wine-press alone,Of the People no one was with Me,So I trod in excitement, and trampled in rapture,The juice sprinkling over My robes,And has stained all My garments.For to My mind the fit day,And the year for redemption had come.And I hoped,··-but none eased,And I wondered none helped.So My arm saved Myself,And excitement sustained Me.So I trod Peoples down in My rapture,And crushed in excitement,And scattered their blood on the ground l’ODE 63.ZX Qlsalm nf Elyunkzgitsing.I record the LORD’s mercy,Give thanks to the Loan,For all the LORD gives us,The great blessing to Israel’s House which He gave,In His kindness and manifold love. They are My Race,My Sons will not be false}So He was their SaviourIn all their distresses ;Not a Stranger or‘Agent from Him,····But His own love and pity set free.He took up and carried through all the old times,Though His Holy Spirit they grieved by revolt,So He turned as their foe, and Himself fought against.Then He thought of old times and of Moses, His Man,Who ledthem from the Sea like a shepherd his flock,When His own hol . thoughts He had placed in his breasty, When HI. marchedat, the right hand of Moses, directing his arm ;And poured water-for them, to make lasting his fame.And led them in the waves like a horse on the moorland,That they stumbled not!As cattle to valleys, the LORD’s Spirit led them,You led on Your People to make You a beautiful name.Bend, and look down from Your,Ho1y Home in the Heavens,Where new is Your beauty, Your love and Your might?My GOD, are Your feelings and mercies restricted?For You are our Father, though Abraham denies us,And Israel owns not,—·—You, LORD, are our Father,W-hose Name is Eternal.LORD, why let us wander away from Your paths?To harden our hearts from reiiection on YouReturn to Your servants, the Tribes of Your/land.Is it nothing they seize upon Your sacred People?That Your Holy Place our oppressors tread down 5We are like those You ruled not of old,Those who call not upon them Your name.486