Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 505

The Books of the Prophets

15-6_ __ 14`”‘* ]EREMIAH. wa.ters,~—thcy go to the wc11s,———they hud no water! They all return empty, ashamed, depressed, with veiledheads! Fire sweeps over the ground ;———for there are no showers on the earth ;—~the meadows are ashamed,··—they cover their heads, for even the deer in the Held bears young; and deserts it, for there is no herbage! The wild asses stand on the hi11—tops sni&ng the wind,——their eyes are all like serpents’, for they have no grass! Qzrzmialy Qrags fur his Qnxxutrg. I0 II I2 16 Although our faults witness against

us, 0 EvER—L1vrNG, intervene for Your NAMES sake. Although we have sinned by often deserting you. Hope of Israel! save him in the

period of distress! Why are You like a stranger to the land ? And like a traveller staying to lodge ? Why are You like a defeated man? Like a hero, unable to conquer? Yet You, EvER—L1v1NG, are near us, and Your NAME is over us. We call but You comfort us not! Then the EVER-LIVING said about

Because they love their feet to wander unrestrained, the EvER—L1v1NG does not approve them. Now He will remember their faults, ’ The EVER- Pray not for the benefit of this People 1 When they fast I will not hear their cries; and when they offer burnt—oii`ering, and gifts, I will not accept them, for by sword and famine and plague I will destroy them. Ah! Armioary

LORD, you perceive the Preachers tell them, ‘ They will not see a sword, and that famine will not come on them} But ‘I will give you true peace in this place, all of you! The EVER-LIVING, however, replied

Those Preachers preach lies in My Name. I neyer sent them! I have not commanded or spoken to them. They preach to you a false vision,-—a pagan lie,—--and the inven- tion of their own hearts! There- to the Preachers who preach in My NAME, and whom I have not sent, and who say, ‘ Sword and famine shall not come to this country} those Preachers themselves shall be killed by sword and famine! And the People they preach to shall be refuse in the streets of jerusalem, before the sword and the famine,——·with none to bury them, they or their wives, or their sons,

or their daughters; and their wicked- ness shall be poured over them. Therefore address this message to them, ‘ My eyes shall pour tears night and day and not cease for the great shock that has shaken the maiden, the daughter of My People, wounding her so much! If I go to the fields, there I see the piercing sword! If I come to the city, I there see wasting of famine! For the Preacher and the Priest alike trade on the country, and acknowledge it not! 18

@112 §rnpl1zt’¤ $1zu in ®¤ll fur Israel. Have You totally rejected judah?

Has Your soul loathed Zion? Why have You wounded us when we have no physician? And so suddenly? We acknowledge, EVER-LIVING, we have sinned with the faults of our forefathers;-—foi we have sinned against You ! Despise us not, for the sake of Your NAME! Degrade not Your Majestic Throne! Remember not the breach of Your Covenant against us! Can any of the phan- tasms of the heathen give rain? Can the skies give plenty? Is it not You alone, our EVER-LIVING GOD? and we hope in You, for You produce all those. But the EVERLIVING replied to me,

‘ If Moses and Samuel stood before Me, yet My soul would not be with this People.-»Send them from My presence! Let them go out! But if they say to you, ‘ Where shall we go E then you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the EVER-LJVING: Whoever is for death to death, and whoever is for the sword to the sword, and who- ever is for the famine to the famine, and whoever is for captivity to captivity} For I will appoint four the EVER- The sword to murder, and the dogs to tear; and the birds of the skies, and the beasts ofthe field to devour and destroy! I will also give them to be shaken out to all the kingdoms of the earth, on account of Manasseh the son of Hezekhiah, king of judah, because of all he did in jerusalem. For who will pity you, ]erusalem? And who will console you? And who will turn to wish your health? You Have abandoned y0u zi

ROS 20 22 15

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0505

The History of the People of Israel