3 put it round my waist. Then the EVER-LIVING spoke to me again to say :—·— ‘ Take the girdle you bought, which
isupon your waist, and rise, gc to the Frathi and hide it therein the cleft I therefore went and hid it by the
Frath as the EVER-LIVING had com- manded me. And at the end of za. considerable time the EVER-LIVING Get up, and go to the Frath, and bring from there the linen girdle that the EvER~1.Iv1NG ordered you to hide there} Sc I went to the Freth and dug,
and took the linen girdle from the place where I had hidden it,-—a.nd saw that the linen was spoiled, and tilt for nothing. Then the word of the EvER—L1vING came to me to say :—-— ‘Thus says the EvER·L1v1NG, I
will spoil the pride of judah, and the many boasts of jeruselem like
xo that! This vile People, who refuse
we not aware that every bottle can be filled with wine E ‘Then say to them :-—·-‘ Thus says
the EvaR~L1‘v1Ne: Iwill fill all the inhabitants of this land, and the kings sitting on David's throne, with the Priests, and the Preachers, and all the inhabitants of jerusalem, to drunkenness, when a man will assail his brother, and fathers their children ‘ said the EVER- I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy to relieve them} I Euphrates. 14--3
Elyz §r¤pl;2t mils in ittpzntancz. Be not too proud to listen and
hear,—·for the EvER—L1v1NG speaks. Give honour to your EvER—L1v1NG GOD, before it is dark, and before your feet stumble on the hills of twilight, and you long for light,———but there is only desolation with the Shadow of Death, in the realm of gloom! But if you will not listen, my soul will weep in secret for your pride, and my eyes drop down tears, because the flock of the EVER-LIVING will be captured t Say to the king and his nobles,
‘ Reflect! Turn! Throw down the beautiful turbans from your heads! The cities of the south are shut up, and there is none to open,-—-judah is a captive ; all jerusalem is a captive! Raise your eyes and see! They
come from the north !~—·Where is the flock entrusted to you ?—-Your beauti- ful sheep ? What can you reply when He enquires of you ? when you have instructed them against yourself, teaching to resist? Will not tor- rnents seize you like a woman in labour? W12 Earns §¤m·zzz rzsumzii. ‘But if you say to your heart,
‘ Why have these come ? ’ For your many passions, your skirts are stripped violently from your heels. ‘ Can the Kushite change his skin ?
or the leopard his spots ? Then you will be able to do good,——·who are accustomed to do evil! Therefore I will scatter them like stubble running before the .wind to the desert! This says for those who reject Me, and rely upon falsehood. So I also will turn your petticoats over your face, and your shame shall be seen! I have seen your adulteries and neighings, your brothels con- trived on the hills in the fields,—·—your abominations,·~—like to you, jerusa~ lem ! You will not purify yourself! How long will it last? Hiya Ghent @1·¤ugbt hzzrrilnh. This was the message from the
Evan-L1v1No that came to jeremiah about the drought. ‘ judah faints and her gates lan-
guish! They mourn in the country, and wailings go up from jerusalem! They send their little children to the 504 x6 IR 20 21 22 26 14