who will fish for them; and after them l will send many hunters, who will hunt them upon every hill, and upon every mount and cliff, and crag; for My are not hidden from Me,———~and their double, because they have polluted My land with their filthy carcases, and iilled my Inheritance with their abominationsf Mya Qzuilycn will wm: in %2zk fm: (Enh. Even-Livinet my strength, and
power, and consolation in the day of distress! The heathen shall come to You from the bounds of the earth Our forefathers inherited only Falsehood and Delusion, in whom there is no helpfulness. Can mankind make themselves gods, I will, however, instruct them at that time, ~I will teach them My Power and
Might,-—and they will know that My NAME is The ETERNALE 20 2I Wiyz llzcnrh uf the §ius nf 51ttml). The sins of judah are written with 17 an iron pen, engraved with a diamond point on the tablet of their heart, and upon the horns of their altar! Your children remember them; with your shrines under the leafy trees, on the tops of the hills! My Highland fields! I will give your wealth, all your treasures to plunder! with your castles of sin in all your borders. And you shall break your# selves loose from the estate that I gave you, and enslave yourselves to your enemy, in a land you know not, for an unquenchable fire shall burn you in My wrath. Thus says the EvER—L1v1No: W32 ®1tr¤z mth the §12s2·ixtg.
‘ Curse the man who trusts on mankind, And makes flesh his arm, and turns from LORD. He shall be like one lost in the Arbah, Who cannot. see whence help can come, Or laid scorched in the Desert, T he salt·land, where none can reside! ‘ But bless him who trusts on the LORD, And on the LORD puts all his Trust; He shall be like a tree by a brook Which sends its roots out to the stream. It fears not the heat when it comes, And its leaves are at every time green ; It fears not in years of distress, And refrains not from bearing its fruit. ‘ The heart is more false than all things, And who among men knows his own E to I, the Loan, search the heart and try thoughts, And fix for each person his path, 507