Throne on high for our Sanctuary! LORD, the Hope of Israel, all who forsake You will be disgraced, de· graded to the earth,———they will be cut off,-·because they forsake the fountain of the Water of Life,-—the Evan-Livms! Zzrzmialy ‘§amzni¤ his @:11. Heal me, Even-i.1v1N<;, and I
shall be well. Save me, EVER- LIVING, and I shall be safe, for I pray to You. Look !‘ they sneer at Where is the message of the EvER—L1v1NG? Let it come now! Yet I was not eager to feed after
You; and I was not greedy for You in a human sense,—-You know the product of my lips came straight from Your presence. Do not terrify me; You are my trust in the day of distress. Let my persecutors be disgraced, but I not disgraced. Let them be terrified,————but I not in‘ terror. Let a day of distress come on them,——aud repeat their wounds on themselves. ®h2 ipruphzt urhcrzh in §r2¤cb at 20 21 22 23 24 ily: ®¤iz¤. T he LOR1> commanded me thus: ‘Go and station yourself at the
People’s Gate, where the kings of judah go out and come in, and at all the gates of jerusalem, and say to them, ‘ Listen to the message of the EvER·L1V1NG, you kings of judah and all the inhabitants of jerusalem, who come to these gates, Thus says the EVER-LIVING. Take care of your lives, and carry no loads on the Sab- bath day, nor bring them to the gates of }erusa1em, neither bring them out from your homes on the Day of Rest, nor do any work, but hallow the Day of Rest, as I instructed your fathers} They, however, will not listen, nor incline their ears, but stiffen their neck, and refuse to hear, and refuse to accept advice. if
you will listen to Me, and refrain from bringing loads into the City Gates on the Day of Rest, and will sanctify the Sabbath day, and re- frain from doing business on it, then kings and princes, sitting on the Throne of David, shall come to the gates of this city riding in chariots with their horsemen. Then the princes of the men of judah, and the population of jerusalem, will reside in this city for ever. They will also come from the villages of judah and from the suburbs of jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the slopes, and from the hills, and from the desert; they will come up with sacrihce and offerings, and in- cense, and advance tothe House of the EVER-LIVING with praise. But if you will not listen to Me, and sanctity the day of Rest, by retraining from carrying loads, and bringing into the Gates of jerusalem on the Day of Rest,———I will set tire to your Gates, and it shall consume the palaces of jerusalem and be un- quenchable! Qzrzmiab nrhrrzlr iu (Eu in tbz §¤it2r’¤ %nu¤.e. The message that came to jere-
miah from the Evan-L1v1NG to say: ‘ Arise, and go down to the potter‘s
house, and there I will let you hear My message! So I got up and went down to the
potter’s house, and saw him making a vessel on his wheel, but he spoiled the article which he was making from the clay by his hand. Then the potter changed it and made another article that it pleased the potter to make. Then the message of the EVER- L1v1NG came to me, saying: ‘Am,I not able to do with you like this potter, House of Israel As clay is in the hand of this potter,-·~—so are you, House of Israel, in My hand. When- ever I speak about a nation or about a kingdom, to pluck it up, to throw it down, or to destroy it, if that nation turns itself from the wicked- ness on account of which I have denounced it,-——I will refrain from 508 26 18