Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 510

The Books of the Prophets

19--1 1

threatened it,-·f0x·_ it has stiffened its neck, and determined not to listen to Pashkur apprehended jeremiah the Reciter, and put him into the stocks your friends, and they shall fall by the sword of the enemy, and your My messages} who was the Official Guardian of the House of the EvER·L1v1NG, heard jeremiah preaching these things, so at the High Benjamin Gate, by the House of the EvER·—1.1v1N<;. But the next day Pashkur brought jeremiah The EVER-LIVING does not call yourname Pashkur,——but Masgur-Misabib.1 Therefore the Evan-Lzvme says this, ‘ I will make you a terror to yourself, and to all will also give all of the King of 20 --15 ]EREMIAH. II I2 the eyes of the men who go with you, and address them : ‘ Thus says the Loma or I-Iosrs.

‘I will smash this People like that, and this city as the earthen jar has smashed, so that it can never be restored,——and they shall bury in Thopheth until there is no room l' That is what I will do to this place,’ and to its inhabitants, for I will make this city like Thopheth. And the houses of jerusalem, and the houses of the kings of judah shall become like the yale of 'l`hopheth,--lilthy,——every house upon whose top they have burnt incense, to all the Host of the Skies, and poured out drink offerings to the Gods of Seduction l ’ Then jeremiah went from Tho-

pheth, where the Evan-Livme had sent him to preach, and stationed himself in the court of the House of the EvnR·x.1v1NG, and said to all the People,-—·—· I`hus says the LORD OF HOSTS,

p the GOD of Israel! ‘ I will bring upon this city, and upon all the cities, the whole of the miseries that I have

20 And Pashkur-ben~Amer the Priest, out from the stocks, when jeremiah eyes shall see it. I ludah to the hand Babel, and he shall roll them to Babel, or assail them with the sword. And I will give all the wealth of this city, and all its earnings, and all its accumulations, and all the treasures of the Kings of judah, to the hands of their enemies, and they shall plunder, and seize them, and carry to Babel. And you, Pashkur, and all dwelling in your house, shall go for slaves to Babel, and die, and there you shall be buried, with all your friends to whom you preach falsehood. @zm¤ial1 §ra;_;s for §ir2ugil;. Oh, Evaa—L1v1Ne, you persuaded

me, and I was persuaded ! Strengthen me and become my supporter to endure it, for all laugh at me daily, for whenever I speak I proclaim, for the message of the EVER-Llvmo comes to me to reproach and deride daily! I will not mention Him, nor speak again in His then my heart becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I labour to restrain it ;—~but cannot; for I hear the slander of the crowd, Inform We will, every man, inform? All my acquaintance He will mis- take, and we can then overpower him, and take our revenge on him for our- But the Evan-Livmo is with me like a terrible giant,——-there- fore my prosecutors will stumble, and not succeed. They will be deeply disgraced, for they have not looked forwards, to a perpetual never for- gotten dishonour. For the LORD of Hosts tests the righteous ;—-·—He sees the secret thoughts, and heart. I shall see Your punishment on them, for to You I have referred my plea. Sing to the Evua—L1v1No, praise the EvnR·-L1v1NG, for He delivers the life of thewretched from the power of the wicked! §2r2misl; ®ur¤2¤ his Qirtb. Curse the day when I was born, The day when my mother bore me, May it never be blessed I Curse the man who told my father, A son has been born to you,’ A thought of sweet delight to him. Common '1`err0r.’ 5 I 0 IO 11 I2

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The History of the People of Israel