‘Say this to Zedekiah. The EVER- LIVING GOD of Israel says thus: ‘ I will turn the weapons of war that
are in your hands,—·#with which you intend to Bght theking of Babel, and the Kasdim, who besiege you from outside, inside the wa11s,—-and I will collect them in the middle of this city. for I Myself will Eghtagainst you with 2. directing hand and a strong arm, and with anger and fury, and great wrath. And I will strike the inhabi- tants of this city,—-—both men and beasts,-——t0 death with a great plague. says the EVER- I will give Zedekiah, King of judah, and his ministers, and his army, and the remnants from the plague, from the sword, and from the famine in this city, to the hand of Nebukadnezzar, king of Babe1,_and to the hands of their enemies, and to the hand of those who seek their lives, and they shall be strucklby the edge of the sword. They will not spare them, nor pity, nor show mercy. And to this People, proclaim, Thus says the EvER·1.1v1No1 *1 place before you the path of life, and the path of death! Whoever remains in this city will die by the sword, or famine, or plague ;——but whoever goes out and deserts to the Kasdim who besiege you, will live,-—-and his life shall be as a gain to him. For I have set my face against this city to dis- tress and not to benetit·it,’ says the It shall be given to the hand of the king of Babel, and he will burn it with fire. ‘ And as for the House of the King
of ]udah,-hear the message of the Evan-n1v1No:—House of David! Thus says the EVER-LWING, Ad- minister justice in the morning, and deliver the robbed from the hand of the robber, for fear you should Hnd My wrath like fire, which will burn unquenchably against your bad prac- tices. I am against you, Graceful says who say, ‘Who can terrify us ?· and who can come within us?’ Yet I can punish you says the and lighta fire in your city, and consume all around it. §zrzmial1 urhsrzh tu genuuurz Qxmishmznt at the ynlurz. The EvER·L1v1NG commanded me thus :-—· ‘ Descend to the palace of the king
of judah, and there proclaim this message,Say, ‘ Listen to the message of the EVER-LIVING, king of Judah, you who sit on the throne of David! You and your _ministers, and your army, who come to these gates. The EvnR—r.1v1NG says, Do justice,-and right, and deliver the robbed from the hand of the robber, and give not the foreigner, and ophan, and widow to the hand of the oppressor, and shed no innocent blood in this place. For if you do this, then kings occupying for David, shall- sit on his throne, and shall come to the gates of this House riding » in carriages, and with his horsemen, and his ministers, and his army. But if you do not listen to these messages, I swear by MYSBLFJ says the Evna··L1vmG, ‘that this house shall be burnt! ’ the EVER-LIVING
says this to the family of the king of You were Gilad to rne,··—the best of Lebanon,-—yet l will make 511* I I I2 22