Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 514

The Books of the Prophets

]EREMIAI-I. 25--5 23*-32 the 33 34 35 and their rc- citals, and who délude My People by their lies, and elate them ;—whom I have not sent, not instructed, and the EVER-Lxv1NG says. ‘ You, however, when this People,

or the Preachers, or the Priest ask you, ‘What is the burden of the Even-Lxvmc; P ’ shall reply to them, I`he burden is I have abandoned end the Reciter, or Priest, or Prophet, who says, ‘ The burden of the EVER- L1v1NGl’ I will bring punishment upon that man and upon his family., Why does everyone ask of his neigh- bour, and each to his brother, ‘ What is the answer of the Evan-Lxvxno ? ’ and ‘ What is the message from the

36 EvER—L1v1_NG ? ’ when they will never remember the burden of the EVER- 37 39 LIVING ?-for the burden that has come to every one is,—-His own idea, and they iiing away the ideas of

the Lrvme Gon, the Loan on Hosrs, OUR Gon! ‘ However,. ask of the Reciter

‘ What does the EvER—L1v1NG answer you ?’ and ‘ What is the message of the EVER-LIVING? If they reply A burden from the EvE1z·1.1v1No,’

then the Even-Lxvxuo says this, ‘Answer in return to them, This is the burden of the Evammvmo, ‘ I have sent to you to command you not to proclaim aburden from the EVER- L1v1_NG. Consequently I will lay a burden upon you, and I will abandon you, and this city, which I had given to your forefathers, for having been faithless to me. Therefore I will make you a reproachifor ever, and an everlasting object of scorn, which shall not be extinguished} @12 ®t¤¤ Qasltzis nf Sign. 24 The EVER-LIVLNG enlightened me, and I saw two baskets full of figs before the Temple of the LQRD, after the capture of jekoniah-ben-jhoiak-· him, king of judah, by Nebukhad· nezzar, ·king of Babel, with- the princes of ]udah,and the mechanics, and carpenters of jerusalem, and their transportation to Babel. The one basket was very good, like best figs ;···-but the other basket was of very bad figs which could not be eaten for badness. And the Evan- What do you When I replied, ‘Figs. The good figs very good, but the had figs very bad,-·so that they coul.<l not be eaten for bad- ' Then the command of the EVER- LWING came to me to proclaim: ‘ Thus says the EvER~L1v1NG GOD of Israel. ‘As with these good figs, I will discriminate amongst the cap- tives of judah, whom I have sent from this place to the country of the Kasdim to benefit them, and will set My eyes upon them beneiicent1y,_and restore them to their country in their children, and not destroy them; and plant, and not pull them up. I will also give them a heart to understand Me, that I am the Evan-Lxvmo, and they shall be My People,—··and I will be their GOD,—-—when they turn to Me with all their heart. ‘But as for the had hgs which are

uneatable for badness ;-·for them,’ says the EvER·i.1v1NG, *1 will take Zedekiah, king of judah, and his nobles, and the remnant of }erusalem remaining in this land, and residing in the country of the Ivlitzeraim, and make them a seed of evil to all the kingdoms of the earth, as a reproach, and a proverb; to he a slander, and lace to which I

a curse, in every drive them. I willp also send sword, famine, and plague to harass them from off the land which I gave to them and to their forefathers. 3 message in Quhab. The message which came to jere-

miah against all the People of judah in the- fourth year of jhoiakim-ben- josliiah, king of judah;-which was the second of Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, which ljeremiah the Reciter delivered to all the people of judah, and to all the residents in jerusalem, saying, From the thirteenth year of

joshiah-ben~Amon, king of judah, until this time,—~for twenty-three years, the message of the EVER- L1v1NG came to me, and I have spoken to you promptly,-—ar1d pro- claimed it,-—-but you would not listen l The Evan-Livmo also sent all his servants the Preachers,——raising and sending~·—-but you would not listen, nor incline your ears to listen, when I said, ‘ Turn, I pray, everyone from his bad path, and from your wicked 514 I0 25

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The History of the People of Israel