Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 515

The Books of the Prophets

25-·6 25———33 ]EREMIAH. IO II I2 16 ways, and be restored to the ground that the Evan-L1v1NG gave to you and your ancestors for ever and for ever. And follow not after seducing gods to serve and worship them, and try Me not by the fabrications of your own hands,———and I will not afilict you! says a1though I was provoked by the fabrications of your the because you have not listened to My messages, I will send and take the whole of the families of the north/’ says the EvER· and Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, My servant, and bring them to this country, and upon its inhabi» tants, and upon all the nations around, and he will ravage and reduce them to a desolation, and a jungle, and a desert for ever! I will also abolish from them the voice of joy, and the voice of pleasure, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the mills, and the light of the lamp,——·and all this land shall become a black desert waste, and these nations shall serve the king of Babel seventy years. But when the seventy years are completed, I will visit on the king of Babel, and says the EVER- their cruelties and also on the land of the Kasdim, and desolate it with a lasting desolation. But I will bring to this land the whole of the promises that I have promised to it, all that are written in this book which jeremiah has preached to all the nation. For many nations and great kings have made slaves of them, therefore I will repay to them accord- ing to their own acts, and like to what they have done. thus said the Evan-LIVING GOD of Israel, to me : ‘Take this cup of the Wine of

Wrath from Myhand, and give it to all the nations to whom I will send you to drink of, and let them drink, and stagger, and be mad for the sword that I will send amongst So I took the cup from the hand

of the EVER-LWING, and gave drink to all the nations to whom the EVER- LIVING sent me. To jerusalem and the cities of

]udah,—~and her kings, and her nobles, to make them a black desert, and a desolation, and jungle, and scorn} To Pharoh, king of the :9 Mitzeraim, also, and his ministers and nobles, and all his army, and to 20 all the west, and all the kings of Autz, and all the land of the Philishtim, and Askalon, and Gaza, and Akron, and the districts of Ashdod; and to Edom, and Moab, and the Beni- Amon, and to all the kings of Tzur, and all the kings of Zidon; and to all the kings of the coast at the Passage of the Sea,—-—to Dedan, and 'I`heman,and Buz, and all the farther regions; and all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of Midland who inhabit the desert; and all the kings of Zimri, and all the kings of Ailam ; and all the kings ofrMadi; and all the kings of the north :—·—both near and far,——-each with his brother; and all the kingdoms of the earth, who are on the face of the ground, and the king of Sheshak shall drink after them! Then say to them, Thus says the Loan or Hosts, the Gon of Israel, ‘Drink and be drunk, and stagger, and fall, and never rise from the face of the sword that I will send amongst you!’ But if it happens that they refuse to take the cup from your hand and drink, say to them, Thus says the Loan or Hosrs, Drink it, drink.!’ For, in the city

upon which My Name was invoked, I began to punish,——-so shall you escape 2 You shall not escape,’ for I will call for a sword against all the says Consequently proclaim to them all these messages l`he EvsR~L1v1NG will thunder from on high, and from within His sanctuary will utter His voice. He will shout from His station, ’ Charge with a cheer,-—overthrow all the inhabitants of the country I The 1{oar will go to the ends of the

earth, when the EVEk·L1vING con- tends with the heathen, to do justice Give the wicked to the says the EVER-L1v1NG. Thus says the LORD OF HOSTS:

‘ Look !, Misery goes from nation to nation.! And ia mighty tempest is reused from the flanks of the earth! And in that time those wounded by 1 (As they are to·day.) 2 I 22 26 28 33

as they

are the comment of an old tran- sgcriber, not a part of ]eremiah’s prophecy. z 5*5

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0515

The History of the People of Israel