ban·Shemiah of Kix·jath—jarim, who camo preaching in the Name of the EVER-mvmc, who proclaimed against this city, and against this country, all the words of jcrcmiah, and King jhoiakim and his generals, and all his oiiicials heard the speeches. S0 the king sought to kill Auriah. But when Auriah heard it he was afraid, and Bed, and went to Mitzer. King jhoiakim, however, sent onicers to Mitzer, A1nathan· ben-Akbor, and ofiicers with him to the Egyptians, who brought Auriah from Egypt, and conducted him to jhoiakim who assailed him with the sword, and Hung his body into the grave of the common people. However the party of Akhikam·
ben-Shafan was with jeremiah, and refused to give him to the power of the people for him to be put to death.
gzrzmialy Ghirzrzh in mm: Eziizrz. 2\ mishap: iu tbz £.uii¤us. 27 In the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah-ben-]oshial1,”kingof£udah, this message came to jeremia from the Loma to speak. 2 The Evs1<~L1vn~:G commanded me Make fetters for yourself, and open and put them on your neck ; then send them to the king of Edom, and tothe king of Moab, and the king of Beni-Amon, and to the king of '1`zur, and the king of Zidon, by the hand of their ambassadors who come to jerusalem to Zedekiah, king of judah, and command them, to say to their masters;-‘ Thus says the Loma or Hosrs, the Gon of Israel! Say to your masters, I made the earth, mankind, and the animals that are upon the face of the earth, by My great power, and I give it to whoever is upright in My sight} So now I have given the whole of these coun- tries to the hand of Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, My servant: and I
1 Some words seem lost here from the
Others replied, however;’ It was evidently a debate amongst the Ludges of the Court formed to try the Prop et.——F. F. 2 In the ordinary text it is jehoiakim, by a have given him also the animals of the field for his service, and they shall serve him, and his son, and his grandson, until the period of his own country has come ;-·-when many nations and greatkings shall make him serve! And to the nation or kingdom that will not serve him, Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, and that will not give its neck to the yoke of the king of Babel, I will bring punishment upon that nation by says until I have sub- dued them to his power. ‘And for yourselves, listen not to
your preachers, and your diviners, and your dreamers, and cloud—readers, and to your magicians who tell you that you will not serve the king of Babel, for those Preachers lie to you, because you will be expelled from your soil, and reduced, and destroyed. But the nation that brings its neck to the yoke of the kingof Babel, and serves him, shall rest quietly on its says the Evan-mvme, ‘ and use it and reside on it. IO II Qhhirr is Zzilckialy in Sulrmit in ‘@ah21. To Zedekiah, king of Iudah, also 12 deliver all these messages and say: ‘ Let you and your people bring
your necks to the yoke of the king of Babel,-—and live. Why should you :3 die? you, and your people by sword, famine, and plague? as the EVER- Lxv1NG has threatened to the nations which will not serve the king of Babel ? Do not listen to the speeches of the Preachers who promise you, assert- ing——·‘ You need not serve the king of Babel} for those Preachers lie to you l I, certainly, have not sent them} but they preach falsely in My NAME, because I shall subdue you, andruin you, and the Preachers who preach to you} 3 message in the §$rizzt¤. To the priests, also, and all this people I spoke and said: Listen not
to the messages of the Preachers who preach to you, and assert; ‘ The furniture of the House of the EVER- Lrvms will be returned from Babel now, very soon,'-~for those Preachers lie to you. Do not listen to them! Serve the king of Babel, and live. 517 16