HOSTS, to the columns, and to the sea, and to its bases, and to the other furniture remaining in this city, which Nebukhadnezzar king of Babel, did not take when he transported ]ekoniah—ben—]hoiakim, king of judah, from jerusalem to Babel, with all the nobles of judah and jerusalem, Thus says the LORD OF HOSTS,
the GOD of Israel, to the remaining furniture Of the House of the EVER- mvme, and the palace of the king of judah and jerusalem :-—they shall gc to Babel, and shall be there until the time that I appoint for them,’ to be brought up and returned to this place} iliauaniab uf Qiibtun uszails Elzrmnialy. 28 It happened in the same year at the beginning ofthe reignof Zedekiah, king of judah, in the first of the fifth month, Hananiah—ben-Azer, the Preacher who came from Gibeon, addressed me in the House of the l£vER—L1v1Nc;, in the sight of` the Priests and all the People, exclaim- mg :—-— ‘Thus says the Loma or Hosrs,
the GOD of Israel, proclaim-·-‘ I will shatter the yoke of the king of Babel! At the end of two ,years' time I will return to this place all the furniture of the House of the EVER~L1v1NG, which Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, took from this place and re- moved to Babel. And jekoniah—ben— jhoiakim, king of judah, and all the transports of judah, who were re- moved to Babel, I will restore to this place,’ says the EVER-LIVING, ‘for I will shatter the yoke of the king of But jeremiah the Preacher replied
to Hananiah the Preacher, in the sight of the Priests, and in the pre- sence of the people standing in the House of the Evn1z—1.1v1Ne,—-and Amen i May the Evan-Lrvmc do so. And may the EvER—L1v1NG confirm the things you have proclaimed, and return the furniture of the House of the EVER-LIVING, and all the trans- ports, from Babel to this place! However, hear now this message which I speak in your hearing, and in the hearing of all the people. The Preachers who were before me, and before you from of old, preached to many lands, and great kingdoms, of war, and famine, and plague! The Preacher who preached about 9 prosperity,—when the promise of the Preacher came, it was known that in truth the Evsnmivmc had sent him ! ' Then the Preacher Hananiah took
the fetter off the neck of the- Preacher jeremiah, and broke it. And Hana- niah exclaimed before all the people, ‘Thus says the Evnrerrvmcl *1 will break the yoke of Nebukhad- nezzar, king of Babel, at the end of two years’ time from off the neck of all nations} “ Then jeremiah the Preacher went away. But a message from the EVER-
LIVING came to jeremiah after Hananiah, the Preacher, had broken the yoke from the neck of jeremiah, to say: 'Go and speak to Hananiah, and
say, ‘ Thus says the EVER-LIVING, you have broken the yokes of wood, but I will make in their place yokes of iron I ’ For thus says the LORD OF HOSTS, the GOD of Israel, I will put a yoke of iron upon all these nations in serving Nebukhadnezzar the king of Babel, and they shall serve him. I also give the beasts of the earth to jeremiah the Preacher accordingly
said to Hananiah the Preacher, ‘ Listen now, Hananiah, the EVER- LIVING did not send you, but you have comforted this People with a lie! Therefore thus says the EVER- Llv1NG,-·—-I will send you from off the face of the ground ;-··—you shall die this year, for you have taught re- bellion against the Even-1,1v11~xc.' And Hananiah did die that year in the seventh month. §zrcmisb’a Erilrr in the 3cl¤s ‘@slml. This is a copy of the letter which IO I I I2 16 III