·~ X7 18 cattle ! ’~—-the sound of joy, and the sound of pleasure, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride ;~—-·the voice proclaiming, ‘ Praise the Loan o1= Hoszrs, For the LORD is good for ever! Bring praise to the House of the Loan! ‘ For I will restore the captives to
the country,—··to their former state,’ says the EvER·L1v1NG. Thus says the Loan on Hosts: I`here shall again be in this
ruined place, where there is neither man nor cattle, and in all its vil~ lages,———pastures for shepherds with reclining Books. In the villages of the hills, and the villages on the slopes, and in the villages of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the neighbourhood of ]eru· salem, and in the villages of }udah., the Rocks shall pass under the hand says the EvER· L1v1NG. Be assured the days come/’ says
when I will ac~ complish this good promise, which I have promised to the House of Israel, and the House of judah. In those days, and at that period, I will cause a Perfect Sceptre to rise up, and he will execute justice and Right in the land. In those times judah will be safe, and Israel rest secure, and this is what she will call Him, OUR R1GH‘rEOUs LORD: For thus says the EvER—L1v1NG:
l`here shall not be wanting a man to David to sit upon the throne of the House of Israel. . And to the Levitical Priests there shall not be wanting a man before me to offer up burnbofferings, and incense, and gifts, and to make sacrifice for all time!
@32 (liuxtiirmiug uf the Qprnmisz. gl 32 The command of the EVER-L1v1NG also came to jeremiah to say: ‘ Thus says the EvER—L1v1NG, ‘ If
My institution of clay and night can be broken, so that they should not exist daily and nightly in their periods, then My institution with My Servant David, for him to have a son reigning on his throne, and the Levitical Priests to be My Ministers, may be broken! Since the army of the skies is not counted, or the sand of the sea measured;-—so I will ex- tend the race of My servant David, andthe service ofthe Levites to Me.’ §\ llzprimf in Hnhzlizhzra. The command of the EVER-L1v1NG again came to jeremiah to say: ‘ Have you seen what this People
say, ‘ The two families that the Evan-ravine chose, He has cast off, and rejected the nations from con· tinuing in His presence} The EvER— Livmc, however, declares, ‘ If I have not appointed the institutions of the day and night;—~—the fixed laws of the solar systems, and the earth, then I will repudiate the race of }acob, and My minister David, and not take from his race Governors for the race of Abraham, Isaac, and jacob; when I restore their captives, and @32 @¤¤m uf Zzhzkiab. 26
This commandment came from the 34 Evsamivinc to jeremiah to pro- claim, when Nebukhadr.ez`zar, king of Babel, with all his forces, and all the kingdoms of the earth who were controlled by his hand, and all the nations, fought. against jerusalem and all her towns. Thus said the Evan-Lrvmo Gon
Go and speak to Zede- kiah, king of judah, and say to him: ‘Thus says the Evsamiviuc, I
will deliver this city tothe hand of the king of Babel, and he will burn it with fire! You also will not escape from this hand! For you will be seized and given to his power, and your eyes shall. see the eyes of the king of Babel, and his mouth shall speak to your mouth, _and you shall go to Babel. However listen to the message of the EvlsR· LIVING, Zedekiah, king of judahi Thus says the Even-Livmo to you, You shall not die by the sword. You shall die in peace ;—··and as they burnt for the kings, your forefathers, whowerebeforeyou,sotheyshallburn they will lament for you,———for Ihave pro- mised this promise} says the EvER» jereiniah the Preacher accordingly
addressed to Zeclekiali, king of judah, the whole of these words in jerusa- lem, when the forces of the king of 7 Babel were fighting against jerusa- lem, and all the other towns of 525