Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 524

The Books of the Prophets

33—-10 32*-3g JEREMIAH. 33 35 39 and the houses where they bum incense upon the roofs to Bal, and drink to the seducing gods by means of whom they insult Me. Because the Children of Israel, and the Children of judah have done wrong in My sight from their y0uth,——for the Chil- dren of Israel provoked Me by the said For this city has been to Me anger and wrath from the day when they built it until now, to make Me sweep it from My pre- sence, on account of all the wicked- ness which the Children of Israel, and the Children of judah have done to provoke Me; they, their kings, nobles, priests, and preachers, with the men of judah, and the population of jerusalem. They have turned their back, and not their face to Me l although I taught them, beginning to teach them early,—-but they would not listen nor take correction. They even set up their idols in the House upon which My NAME had been in- voked! to defile it! And erected Columns to Bal in the Vale of Ben- hinon, to pass their sons and their daughters to Molok,——which I com- manded not,—~nor had it come up to My heart, to have such horrors practised, to cause judah to sin. thus says the

Evnmmvruc Gon of Israel to this city which you say has been given to the hand of the king of Babel by the sword, and by famine, and by plague, ‘ I will collect them again from all the countries where I have driven them in My anger and indignation, and I will restore them in a great gathering to this place, where they can dwell in security, and they will become My People, and I will be their GOD. I will also give them a united heart, and a united course, and they will reverence Me continually to their own benefit, and their children’s after them. I will then record an ever- lasting Covenant with them,——-that I will not cease following them with benefits; and I will put reverence of Me into their hearts, so that they will never abandon Me. I also shall delight to benefit them, and to plant them in the land firmly, with all My heart, and with all My soul. For thus says the Evan-L1v1NG: ' When I have broughtthis People, all this great misery, then I will

bring all the benefits which I have promised to them. And farms will be bought in this country, where they say, ‘It is desolate! It has neither men nor cattle,-——it is given to the hand of the Kasdim!’ They will buy farms for money, and engrave the Deeds, and seal them, and the witnesses witness, in the district of Benjamin, and around jerusalem, and in the villages of judah, and in the towns on the hills, and the vil- lages of the slopes, and the hamlets of the south, for I will restore the said the EVER-uvmo. 43 44

Wye Itzstnraiiun uf dubai; prumiszh. Another time the message of the 33 EvER·LIv1NG came to jeremiah, while he was confined in the Guards Court, to say :-—— Thus says the Creative, the Con-

structive Life ;-—His Name is the EVER-LIVING Creator. ‘ Ask me, and I will answer, and inform you of great events, and treasures you know For thus says the Evan-Lrvnvo

About the houses of this city, and the palaces of the kings of judah, which are made ruins for the ernbankments and for the en- trenchments made to fight with the Kasdim, and to be filled with carcases of men whom I will slay in My anger and wrath, and from whom I have hidden Myself,·——turning from this city because of all their wickedness; I will again bring existence and

health, and will unveil to them rich peace and security, when I have re- stored the captives of judah, and the captives of Israel, with their children, to their former state. For I will purify them from their frailties, by which they offended Me, and pardon the whole of the sins by which they offended Me, and by which they re- belled against Me. And it shall be 9 a monument of delight and beauty, as formerly to every nation of the earth, when they hear all the benefits that I will confer upon them, and tremble with excitement at all the prosperity and peace which I will confer upon it! There ro shall again be heard in this place, which they say ‘ It is a ruin without man or beast in the villages of judah, and the streets of jerusalem are a. desert,~—there are no men,—·-there are no inhabitants;-·there are no 52 4

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0524

The History of the People of Israel