‘ Tum I pray, each from his bad way, and reiiect upon your proceedings, and follow not seducing gods, to serve to you and your a.ucestors,’——but you would not incline your ears, and would not listen to Me! Although the sous of ]ona.dab—ben·Relrab established the orders which their will not listen to Me. 'I`herefore,’ thus says the Evn1z·L1v1No Goo or I will bring upon ]udah, and all the popula- tion of jerusalem, all the miseries that Irhave promised them,-—because I spoke to them and they would not But to the House of the Rekabites
Thus says the LORD or Hosrs, the Gon of Israel; Because you have obeyed all the orders of jonadab, your ancestor, and have kept all his commands, and thus says the LORD OF HOSTS, the
wanting a man to jonadab-ben-
the GOD of Israel! Go and say to the men of judah, and to the inhabi- tants of jerusalem;-—‘ Why will you not learn to listen to My commands ? 1`he com- mands of jonadab-ben—Rekab that he ordered to his sons not to drink wine, stand l They drink no wine to this
day! For they obey the order of their ancestor! But I commanded you,—·—beginning early and speaking, but you have not obeyed Me ! I also
them ;··—and stay on the ground I gave hear, and I called, but they would not Qzrzmiub ®rhzrzh in Bzcurh bis ¥r¤pl;2ri2s. It was in the fourth year of
]hoiakim-ben-joshiah, king of judah, that this command came to Jeremiah from the EvER—L1v1NG to say: ‘ Prepare for yourself a book-roll
and write upon it the whole of the speeches I have dictated to you about Israel and judah, and all the nations, from the day I spoke to you,—-··from the days of joshiah to this day. Perhaps the House of judah will listen to all the misery I contemplate to produce for them, and may each one turn from his wicked way,——-when I will forgive their frailties and sins. ]eremiah therefore invited Baruk»
ben·Nediah, and he wrote, from the mouth of jeremiah, all the words whigh the Evnngrviup had spoken ito im, upon e vo ume. Then jeremiah instructed Baruk, saying: ‘ I am imprisoned and cannot go to the House of the EvER·L1v1NG,——but you go, and read from this volume what you have written from my mouth of the speeches of the Evan- LIVING, in the ears of the people in the House of the EvER—Ltv1NG, upon the fast day ;———and also read it in the hearing of all judah who come from their villages. Perhaps you will im— plore them before the EVER-L1v1NG, and some will turn from their bad way ;—-for the anger and wrath which the LORD proclaims against this people is great.’
Qurnh iizuim tbz illnll in the dzmplz Wunrl. Baruk-ben—Nediah did as jeremiah
the Preacher instructed him, and read from the volume the messages of the Evmz-Lxvmo in the House of the Evan-Lrvmo. This was done in the fifth year of ]hoiakim-ben- joshiah, King of judah, in the eighth month when a Fast was proclaimed before the Evn12—L1v11~zG for all the people of jerusalem, and all the people of judah who came from the towns of judah to jerusalem. Baruk then read the speeches of jeremiah from the book in the House of the Evmz—L1v11~:c, in the chamber of Ghemerialvben- Shafan, the Recorder, in the higher court opposite the New Gate of the House of the EVER- Livme, in the hearing of all the 527 IO