Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 528

The Books of the Prophets

37-1 36 ~l!

]EREMIAH. 11 people. But Makiah-ben~Ghemeriah— ban-Shafan heard all the messages of the EvE1z·1.1v1NG from the Book,

12 and he descended to the Royal Palace, to the oflice of the Recorder, and found all the officials sitting there, Alishamah the Recorder, and Gheda- liah-ben-Shemiah, and Alnatha¤·be11· Akbor, and Ghemeriah—ben-Shafan, and Zidikiah·ben-Hananiah, and

13 other officers, and Makiah reported to them all the things he had heard read by Baruk from the Book in the hearing of the people. x4 The officials consequently sent to Baruk, judi the son of Nathanialv ben-Shelemiah-ben-Kusi, to say, ‘ Take the volume that you are reading in the hearing of the people So Baruk· ben-Nediah took the volume in his

15 hand and went with them, and they ‘eSit down if you please, and Baruk con- sequently read it in their hearing. 16 But when they heard all the mes- sages, each was terrified at his friend, We must report the whole of these matters to the

Tell us, now, how you wrote all these speeches from his mouth ? ’ He dictated to me from his mouth all these speeches, and I wrote them on the book with my hand. :9 Then the oiiicers said to Baruk, ‘G0, hide yourself and jeremiah, and let no one know where you are} Zuialrim bears Qilurt mill, mth than iglurua the @¤¤li. zo They afterwards went to the court of the King;-·but placed the volume in the office of Alishamah the Re- corder, and reported the affair to the

21 ears of the King. The Kingtherefore sent ]udi· to fetch the volume, who brought it from the ofiice of All- 22 shamah the Recorder. ]udi then read it in the hearing of the King, and in the hearing of all the officials who stood near the king. At the time the king was staying in the Winter Palace, in the ninth month, and there was a fireplace opposite him, so when judi had read three or four passages, he cut the book with a penknife, and flung it upon the tire in the grate until he had con- that was in the grate. And neither the king, nor any of his ministers feared, or. tore their robes at hearing all those threateningsl Howev&I'» 25 Alnathan, and Ghedaliah, and Ghen1e· riah, entreated the king not to burn the volume. But he would not listen to them. The king then ordered 26 Irakhmal-ben-Amalek, and Sariah· ben~Azrial, and Shelemiah-ben— Abdial, to seize Baruk the writer, and jeremiah the Preacher. But the Evan-1.1vmG concealed them. §2rzmiuly 0Brhtr2h in dlzlnriiz Qin [qigruplyzrizs. Then the command of the EVER- 2*1 LIVING came to jeremiah, after the king had burnt the volume, and the messages that were written by Baruk from the dictation of ]eremiah, to say 2-- 1`ake another volume again for 28 yourself, and write in it all the former threatenings, which were in the first volume that jhoiakim, king of judah, burnt. And say against jhoiakim, 29 king of judah, ‘ Thus says the EVER LIVLNG, you have burnt this volume, demanding, ‘Why have you written it? Asserting that the king of Babel will come, and desolate this country, and capture from it man and cattle ? ’ Therefore the EvER—L1v1NG replies 30 thus to jhoiakim, king of judah, He shall not rest on the throne of

David, but his carcase shall be flung out to the heat of day and the cold of night! And I will fix upon him, and 31 his race, and his ministers their faults! I will also bring upon them, and the population of jerusalem, and the men of juclah, all the misery which I have threatened to them,-» but they would not listen l §2rzmialy again whine. jeremiah consequently prepared 32 another volume, and gave it to Baruk, the writer, and he wrote in it from the mouth of jeremiah all the mes·· sages of the book that jhoiakim, king of judah, had burnt in the fire. and added further to them many other things. Eking Zzhekialy asks gzrzmiah in §r¤g fur inns};. WhenVKing Zedekiah·ben·]oshiah 37 reigned instead of Ko-niah—benr]ho1a;

sumed the whole volume in the tire ‘ kim, whom Nebukhadnezzar, king of 528

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The History of the People of Israel