Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 535

The Books of the Prophets

their wives burnt incense to seducing to the Queen of the Skies, and drink kings, and nobles, in the cities of 2. great meeting with all the people resident at Pathrom in the land of Mitzer, and replied to jeremiah ; We will not listen to the command that you address to us in the name ofthe EvER·L1v1NG. But do every word thatcomes from our own m0uths,—-—and burn incense our drinks to her,—-as we ourselves used to do, and our mothers, and 44--28 ]EREMIAH. IO I! I2 16 left l Why will you insult Me by the fabrications of your own hands, and burn incense to seducing gods in the land of the Mitzeraim where you have come to lodge? so as toicut yourselves of; and so as to make yourselves a curse, and reproach to all the nations of the earth? Have you forgotten the wickedness of your fathers? and the wickedness of the kings of judah, and the wickedness of their wives? and your own wicked- ness? and the wickedness of your wives,·——which they committed in the land of Judah, and in the sheets of jerusalem? You have not repented to this day! You have not feared, and not walked in My laws, or My institutions that I put before you, and before your fathers. Therefore thus says the Loma or Hosrs, the GOD of Israeli I have set My face against you to punish, and to bring all judah to destruction. Conse- quently I will take the fragments of juclah, who set their faces to go to the land of the Mitzeraim to lodge, and will kill you all in the land of Mitzer. They shall fall by the sword, and- by famine. T hey shall die from the least to the greatest ;—·~they shall die by the sword and by famine, and be a curse, and desolation, and scorn, and reproach! I will also appoint over the residents in the land of the Mitzeraim, what I appointed over ]erusalem,·-sword, famine, and plague! And there shall be no refuge or escape, for the fragments of judah who have come to lodge in the land of the Mitzeraim, nor a return to the land of judah, which they lift up their souls to return to, and rest in,-··-for they shall not return, nor escape l' wb: Qrnlnh snail yzrzmisly. Then all the men who knew that

gods, and all the women, stood up in judah, and in the streets of jeru- salern; when we had plenty of bread, and were prosperous, and saw no misery. And when we burnt incense to the Queen of the Skies and drank our drinks to her, was it without the consent of our husbands that we made cakes to represent her,-·-and drank drinks to her? ’ But jeremiah answered to the

whole crowd,—-to the men and women,-·and all the people who replied to him in that speech, and said,-— ‘ Was not the incense you burnt

in the cities of judah, and in the streets of ]erusalem,·—you, and your mothers, your kings and nobles, and the people of your country, remem- bered by the EVER·LIVING,3.I1d came to His knowledge? until the Evmz- LIVING was not able to bear your wicked ways, on account of the abominations that you practised, therefore your country has become a heap of ashes, and a desolation, and scorn, and without inhabitants, as it now isl because of that burning of incense and that sin against the EVER-LIVING, and your not listening to the voice of the EVER-Lxvrxvc, or to His laws and institutions, and evidences, nor walking after them. Consequently this misery has ap- proached you at this timel How- said jeremiah to all the listen to the command-of the Evnn·1.1vmo, all judah who are in the land of the Mitzeraim. Thus the LORD OF Hosts, the GOD of Israel commands me to tell you and your wives, who have spoken by your mouths, and have done it by your hands, to say, ‘ We will perform the vows which we have vowed to burn incense to the Queen of the skies, and to drink drinks to her ;··-confirm, then, your vows, and perform your vows! Yet, however, hear the message of the Evnxmivmc, all judah, residing in the land of the Mitzeraim. I have sworn by.My GREAT NAME, says the EvER·L1v1NG, that never again shall My NAME be invoked by the mouth of any man of judah, saying by the Livmo Micnrv Loan in all the land of the Mitzeraiml I will watch over them to punish, and not to benefit, and every man of judah in Mitzer shall die by the sword, and by the famine, to the last of them. Yet 535 18 zo 2I zz 26 z8

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0535

The History of the People of Israel