Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 536

The Books of the Prophets

46-10 44-29 ]EREMIAH. refugees from the sword shall return from the land of the Mitzcraim to the land of ]uda.h,-——a small number. Then all the fragments of judah who went to the land of the Mitzeraim, to lodge there, will know whose word stands-—-Mine or theirs! And this says the that I will tix in this place, so that you may know that My intentions are settled against you for punishment. I

will give Pharoh Khofra, king of the Mitzeraim to the hand of his enemy, and to the hand ofthe seekers of his life! as I gave Zedekiah, king of judah to the hand of Nebukhad— nezzar, king of Babel, his enemy; and the pursuer of his life,' gzrzmialz rzzarhs his §r¤pl;zriz¤ kg Qnruk. 45 The command which jeremiah the Preacher gave to Baruk-ben-Neriah to write all these speeches in a book in the fourth year of ]ehoiakim— ben-joshiah, king of judah. He said :— ‘ Thus says the Evmz·r.1vmc Gon

of Israel to you, Baruk: You said, ‘ Woe now to me for the EVER-LIVING adds to the agony of my pain l I am weary with sighing, and find no con- solation! Say this to him, Thus says the EVER-LIVING, What I have built, I will throw down! What I have planted I will pull up,--and that in all the country. Do you seek greatness for yourself? Seek it not! for I will bring misery upon every says the Evsx—1.1vme. ‘ But I will give you your life as a gain in every event. 3 Warning in ily: Eggpiiau Qmg. The message of the Evan-Livizvs 48 to jeremiah the Preacher about the Heathen, and to the Mitzeraim, about 2 the army of Pharoh Neko, king of the Mitzeraim, when it advanced to the River Frathi to Karkemish, where Nebukhadnezzar king of Babel, defeated him in the fourth year of Jhoiakim-ben-joshiah, king of judah. Wye @11rbm af $burnly.

Array with the Buekler and Shield l And march out for the war! Saddle your hcrses,—and cavalry mount: Don your helmets; sharpen your spears, Gird on your coats of mail l What. do I see? They fear and turn back! The heroes are routed l They Hy! They Hy I Says the LORD. ‘ The swift cannot ily, nor the mighty escape, In the North, on the banks of the Frath,1 Where they stumble and fall! Who is this, like a river that rises 2 Like torrents that roll out their waves? It is Mitzer that hoods like her river, And her torrents that roll out their waves I Cries, ‘ I rise It I will cover the earth, I will sweep on the town and its people} ‘Let cavalry mount, and the chariots rush, And charge with the heroes of Kush; And of Put that can handle the shield, And the Ludim who draw leaping bows; For this is the day of the Great I.i0g`D_pF_ Hosts, to To-day He will punish—wi11 punish His foes! Now sword devour and be gorged, And become drunken withiblood; For the great LORD · OF Hosrs has a slaughter, In the north, on the banks of the Frath. 1 The Euphrates, as the Greeks named it.

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0536

The History of the People of Israel