Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 552

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. 4~—x 5 6--3 16 LORD,1ook‘at my life! I have not dchlcd myself,-—n0r have I ever eaten a. dead carcase, or one that has been tom, from my youth until now; not has foul food entered my Look!

I will appoint cow-dung instead of human-dung, so prepare your food Son of

Adam! I will break the staE of bread in jerusalem, and they shall eat bread by weight, and in dread; and drink by measure and measure, because they shall be destitute of bread and water, and each suspect his brother, and waste away in their sin! Ely: ¥r¤pl5zi nrhzréh in §!;ahz his Rmb smb @earb. Also, son of Adam, take a sharp sword to apply to yourself as a barber’s razor, and pass it over your head, and over your beard. Then take a weighing scales, and divide them. Burn a third part in a fire, in the middle of the city, when the time of the siege is completed. Then take a third part, and chop about it with the sword: and scatter that third part to the wind, and I will fling the sword after them. But you must reserve a small number of them, and put them in your pocket. _ However, you must take some, and throw them into the fire, and burn them in the hre, when a flame shall spring from them apinst all the House of Israel. I

have set this jerusalem in the centre of the heathen with countries around her. But she perverted My decrees to wrong more than the heathen; and My institutions more than the coun- triesl who are around her,———-for she rejected My decrees, and would not follow My institutions. thus the MIGHTY because you rage against My institutions more than the heathen around you, by not following them, and have not prae— tised My decrees, but have acted according to the decrees of the

8 heathen around you} Therefore ’ I am opposed to you! I, Myself,—and I will execute amongst you My own decrees, in the sight of the heathen. For I will effect upon you, what I 9 have not done, and what I will never do again like it,—because of all your depravities. Therefore parents shall eat their children amongst you, and children will eat their parents! And when I have done justice on you, I will scatter all the remnant of you to the wind. S0, by My own life} because you have polluted My Sanctuary with all your filth, and with all your depravities, I also will avert Myself, and My eye will not pity, and I will not spare! A third of you shall die by plague and famine consuming among you; and a third will fall by the sword around you; and I will scatter a third to every wind, and lling a sword after them! Then H My anger will be completed, and My wrath satisfied upon them, and I will rest, and they will recognize that I, the Evan-Lrvmo, have spoken in My zeal to accomplish My indignation upon them. *1 will also make you a heap of

ashes, and a scorn to the heathen around you ;-——to the eyes of every passer—by, And you shall become a scorn and an insulting proverb, and an astonishment to the heathen about you, when I have executed upon you the decrees of My anger and indigna- tion, and these reproofs (I, the EVER·LIV1NG, have said it) ; and when I send the cruel arrows of famine upon you,—-which bring destruction to those to whom I IO II I2 16 send them, and increase famine among you, and break your staff of bread. For I will send famine upon 1;: you, and savage beasts, who will bereave you,-·—·and plague, and blood- shed shall pass through you. I will also bring a sword against you,-I, the Evan-uvmo, have said it t' whe @¤¤m of the Zmrit nf israel. The command of the Evnxz-Lzviuo came to me afterwards, to say: ‘ Son of Adam I Set your face

against the mountains of Israel, and preach to them, and say, ‘ Mountains of Israel ! listen to the

NO,m__ch_ 5,W_ 5, 7_ See Romans words of the MIGHTY Loma! Thus

_ chaps. x, 2, 3, in reference to this state; 58;)*8 the MKQHTY LORD @0 the m0¤¤· ment.-—·F. F. tams and hxlls, to the torrents, and 552

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