feet, and exclaim, ‘Alasl for all the sins that the House of Israel has sinned which will overthrow them by the sword, and famine and plague! Those afar will die by disease! and those near will fall by the sword, and the remainder, and the besieged, will die by famine,'-·~·when My indignation will be satisfied on them. You will then know that I am the Evan- L1v1NG, when your wounded are among your idols, around your altars, on every high hill, on every mountain top, and under every leafy tree, and under every shady oak ;——the places where they appointed to diffuse per- fumes to their idols! But I will extend My hand over them, and make their country desolate ;-—more desolate thanthe desert of Diblah, in all their villages, -—when they will learn that I am the EVER- LIVING. Qumn nf Israel': Jizlhs. The command of the EVER- 7 Ltvmo again came to me to say: ‘And now, son of Adam, the 2 M1GH‘1‘Y Loki) says this to the fields of Israel; ‘ An end, an end has come to the four wings of the land ! The end is now upon you,——and I 3 have sent My anger to yon, and have convicted according to your practices, and laid all your depravities upon you! My eye, therefore, will not pity you; and I will not relent, but will lay your practices upon yon, and your depravities are in your breast,—-and you shall learn that I The Mxonrv Lono also said: ‘ Look! A misery, a peculiar misery has come! The end has come! The end,—-·y0ur end,——seeit has come l The point has come to you,——in- habiter of the land,-·the time has come, the day is near, a noise, but not of pleasure, upon the hills l Now Iwill soon pour out My indignation upon you! and satisfy My anger against you, and convict you accord- ing to your ways, and lay on you all your depravities: and My eye will not pity, nor relent. I will lay upon you according to your proceedings, and your depravities shall be in your breast ; when you will recognize that I, the Evsn—r.1v1No, punish. Look at the time! Look! it has
come ! The turning point has passed ! The shoot has blossomed ;——the pride has budded! Oppression has grown into a support of wickedness, and neither from themselves and not from their wealth, nor from their numbers will there be comfort for them! The period has come;-the day has arrived; let not the buyer be glad, nor the seller sorry,——for there is fury against all their wealth; for the seller will not be restored to what he sold, even although they are alive, for the vision is against the whole mass; none shall return, nor can anyone preserve himself whose life is in wickedness! ‘They blow, they blow with the
trumpet,-but none come to the battle! for My wrath is against the whole mass! The sword is in the street, and disease and famine in the house! Whoever is in the field dies by the sword,-—and famine and disease devours whoever is in the City! 553 I0 Il I2