Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 555

The Books of the Prophets


8--16 10-9

16 Then He took me to the inner court of the House of the EVER- uvmc, and I saw before the Temple of the I—1vER·L1vmo, between the porch and the altar, about twenty- fxve persons with their back towards the Temple ofthe EvBR·L1v1NG,and their faces towards the East, and they were worshipping the Eastern Do you see, Son of Adam, the contempt the House of judah show? and the depravities which they practise here ? For they till thecountry with out- rage, and continue to provoke me. Look how they wave twigs before their faces! Therefore I, also, will work in wrath! My eye shall not pity, nor spare,—-although they call with 2. loud voice to my ears, I will not hear them! Then he shouted with a loud voice in my hearing, saying, ‘Guards of the city approach! and

each have his deadly weapon in his And I saw six men come towards

the High Gate that faces to the north, and each with a battle axe in his hand ;——but one man among them in trousers with a writer‘s ink bottle at his waist, and they advanced and stood at the side ofthe Brazen Altar. Then the splendour of the GOD of Israel came up from above the kerub upon which it was, to the threshold of the House. He then summoned the man who was clothed in trousers, who had the ink~bottle at his waist, and the Evan-1.1vmo said to him: ‘Pass through this city,-~through

jerusalem, and write a mark upon the foreheads of the men who grieve and mourn over the depravities that But to the others Pass through the city after him and strike. Let not your eyes pity, and spare not! old men, boys, and girls, and infants, and women,——kil1, to destruction. But do not assail any man upon whom there is a mark,——-and start at My Sanctuary} They consequently started with the

noblemen who were at the front of the House. Defnle

the House, and fill the Court with the slain! Advance!’ So they advanced and assailed the

city. But while they were assailing and I was left alone, I fell on my face, and shrieked, and said, 'Oh! Mioirrv Loan! will You

destroy all the fragments of Israel? in pouring out Your wrath upon lerusaiem? ’ '1`he fault

of the House of Israel and ludah is very, very great. They have filled the country with blood; and the city is full of extortion, for they say, ‘The Lone cares nothing about the earth} and ‘G0p never looks! Therefore My eyes will not pity nor spare. I will return the result of their idea upon their own Head. Then I saw the man in trousers,

who had the ink·bottle at his waist, I have done as You commanded me.’ xo

I then looked, and saw in the 10 expanse over the heads of the Kem- bim, there was like a sapphire gem, formed into a Throne, with AN EXISTENCE upon it, Who spoke to the man clothed in trousers, and Go to the revolutionary space beneath the Kerub, and fill your hands with burning coals from the space of the Kerubim, and scatter So he went in my sight. And the Kerubim stood at the right side of the House when the man entered; and a cloud filled the forecourt. The splendour of the EvER—L1v1NG arose, also, from above the Kerub to over the threshold of the House, and the House was Hlled with a cloud, and the court full of the splendour of the Loup ; and the noise of the wings of the Kerubs was heard above the outer court, like the voiceoftheALM1G1~1TYwhenspeaking. And when He commanded the man clothed in the trousers, saying, ‘Take fire from the space of revolu- tion-·-from the space of the Kern- he entered and stood beside the wheel, and the Kerub extended his hand from the space of the Kern- bim to the fire that is in the space of the Kerubim, and took some, and put it into the hands of the man clothed in trousers, and he took it and went out. Then I perceived the Kerubim had human shaped hands under their wings. I looked again, and saw four wheels

beside the Kerubs, a single wheel to each Kerub, and a single wheel at the side of each Kerub, and the appearance of the wheels was like 555

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0555

The History of the People of Israel