Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 556

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. 11——16


IO II I2 16 18 20 2X 22


the glitter of an amber stone. The form of each of the four of them as if they had wheels within wheels. As for their progression they could pro- ceed in four directions. They did not face about to advance, but to the spot that was ahead of their face they proceeded, they did not face about to advance to it. And all their bodies, and backs, and hands and wings ;——as well as the wheels ;——were full of eyes as around the four wheels. Their wheels were called in my hearing Each, also, had four faces for himself. The first was the face of a Kerub; the second the face of a Man; the third the face of a Lion; and the fourth the face of an Eagle; but the Keruo stood upright. They were the BEINGS I saw by the Great River. When the Kerubs advance, the wheels beside them advance; and when the Kerubs raise their wings to rise up from the earth, the wheels do not abandon them, they accompany them. When those stand;-—they stand; and when those mount-—they mount, for there is a breath of life in them. Then the splendour of the EVER-

L1v1NG removed from over the threshold of the House, and rested over the Kerubim, and the Kerubs raised their wings from the earth in my sight to depart, and the wheels went with them, and stood opposite the Eastern Gate of the House of the EvER·L1v1NG, and the splendour of the GOD of Israel was above them. These were the BB1NGS that I saw beneath the GOD of Israel at the Great River,*—and I knew they were Kerubim,-·—each was four faced, with human formed hands beneath their wings; and the form of their faces was like the faces I saw by the Great River; and they could advance for» ward from each of them. Thus when the wind lifted, and

brought me to the Eastern Gate of the House of the Evan-Ltvruo, facing eastwards, I saw opposite the gate twenty—tive men, and observed in the centre of them ]azaniah·ben» Azur, and Platiah - ben - Beniah, Princes ofthe people. Son of Adam! These men contrive folly,

if translated from the

the Great River,” and was undoubtedly the Euphrates, or, in Hebrew, the Frath.-—-F. F. and advise bad advice in this city; who say, ‘1s it not time to build houses? The pot is here, and we shall find flesh! ’ However, Son of Adam l preach against them,·——preach, Son of Adam l' Then the spirit of the EvnR—x.1vmc; fell upon me, and said to me ‘ Thus says the Evnn—L1v1NG. You say so, House of Israel, and I know the products of your mind. You have extended this city, and filled its streets with murder. Therefore thus says the M1GH·1‘Y Loan, The mur- dered whom you have laid among you, they are the flesh, and this is the boiler and can you get out of it P You have feared the sword ;——but I The However I will pull you out of it, and give you into the hands of foreigners, who will execute your sentences. You shall fall by the sword. At the boundaries of Israel I will sentence you, and you shall learn that I am the Evan-mvxuo. This shall not be your pot, and you shall not be the flesh in it;—·on the boundaries of Israel I will sentence you! and you shall learn that I am the EVER- Livnvc, although you have not walked by My institutions, and have not executed My decrees, but you have done according to the ideas of the heathen who are around you. But it happened that as I preached,

Platiah-ben·Beniah died! Then I fell on my face, and exclaimed, ‘Alas! Mxonrr Loan, will You make an end of the fragments of Gah gprnmiszz mercy; zircn IO II I2 III

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iizziuratimr §1·nmi¤zh in Ksrnzl. The message of the LORD after-

Son of man! your brothers, your relatives the men who could reclaim you, and all the House of Israel, the inhabi- tants of jerusalem have said, to all of them, ‘ Get otf from the LORD! Who has given this country for us to possess} Therefore say, ‘ Thus says the »M1GH*rY LoRD, Although I have sent them afar to the heathen, and although I have scattered them in the. countries,-——yet I will be a. little 556 16

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