Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 558

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. 12-2o


20 21 26 28 the oppression of its population. Your populous cities will also become heaps of ashes, and your country a desert,——then you will learn that I am the Ev1m—L1v1N<;. 3 Yiilnrzxixrg against Egiug §pv¤hm·lw. The command of the EvBR·L1v1NG came again to me to say : ‘ Son of Adam! What is this

proverb among you of the soil of Israel, that says, ‘ The times are extended, and every vision fai1sl’ Therefore say to them, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD: I will abolish that proverb, and they shall not again repeat it in Isra_el. Consequently 1`he times are near, and result of every vision, when there will be no futile vision, or liattering divination in the House of Israel, for I, the EVER-LIVING, will speak;-—and the thing I say will be done,and never averted, for in your days—you rebel- lious family-»·—I will speak and accom- says the Misery Loan. Qmchiriiuits snmt in (mums. Again the command of the EVER- L1v1NG came to me to say: Son of Adam ! Look! The

House of Israel say, ‘The vision he sees is in the far future; and his prophecy for distant periods! ’ Con~ I`hus says the Misery Loan, I will not delay longer, whatever I say it will be ’ the Mronrv Loan declares.

13 The command of the Loan came to me again to say: @cmmcinti¤1z uf Sham Qflruplyzfs, ‘Son of Adam! Preach against

the preachers of Israel, and say to the preachers of their own inventions, ‘ Listen to the message ofthe EVER-

Livmo l Thus says the Misery Loan to the wicked preachers who follow, their own invention, and see nothing. Your preachers, Israel, are like foxes in the ruins. They have not mounted to the breaches; they have not defended the walls for the House of Israel, standing in the battle, in the day ofthe EvsR—1.1v1Ns! You see deception and divine a lie, crying, ‘ Thus says the Lomb ! ’ when the EVER-L1v1NG has not sent you, while they hoped for a reliable

messenger. Have you not invented a false vision ?—~and divined a lying tale, when you asserted, ‘ The EVER- L1v1NG says,’-—and I never spoke? ’ Therefore thus says the l\·l1Gt1‘1‘Y

Because you speak falsehood and invent a lie,~··I am absolutely says the MIGHTY My hand will be against the preachers of false visions, and the diviners of a lie. They shall not come to the Council of My People, nor be recorded in the records of the House of Israel, nor shall they arrive at the soil of Israel;-—until they learn that I am the EvER·Llv1NG ; because, and because they have deluded My people by exclaiming, ‘ Peace I ’ when there was no peace, and build that as a fence, and then daubed it with mortar. ‘ Say tothe mortar daubers, It will

fall! A swishing shower will come, and I will send iiinging hail stones,

and a raging tearing wind, when the wall will fall! Then will they not ask you, ‘Where is the daub you daubed upon it 2 ‘ However? the Mrsnrv Loan says

I will smash it byawind in My fury, and a sweeping _rain shall come in My anger, and hailstones in My indignation to destroy, and break the wall down, that you daubed. with mortar, and break it to the earth, and bare its foundations, and it shall fall with you under it! Then you will learn that I am the Evan-L1v1Ns. Thus I will satisfy My indignation against the wall, and those who daubed it with mortar, when I ask you, ‘Where is the wall? and where is its daubing ? ’ You Preachers of Israel, who preach to jerusalem, and view visions of peace for her, says the Even-r.1v1Ns. ‘But you, son of Adam, set your

face against the daughters of your people,—the preacheresses out of their own invention,-—·and preach against them,———and say, Thus says the Mrsnrv Loan: *Woe to the sewers of pillows to

the sides of their arms! Who put cushions of all heights on their heads to hunt souls !—the hunted souls of My people,-——and living souls for yourselves! And you have degraded Me to My people for handfuls of barley, and bits of bread! to kill the souls who would not have died, and to revive the souls that ought not to 558 IO II I2 16 18

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