Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 557

The Books of the Prophets


11—» 1

Vi 18 20 21 Sanctuary to them in the countries to which I have brought them} ‘Thcref0rc say, ‘Thus says the

M1G1—u‘Y LORD,——I will collect them from the nations, and gather them from the countries where I have scattered them, and will give to them the ground of Israel. And when they arrive there they will cast away all their pollutions amd depravities from them. Then I will give them asingle heart, and put a new spirit in their breast, I will remove the heart of stone from their body, and give them zi heart of flesh,———so that they may walk by My Institutions, and regard My decrees, and practise them, and they will be My people, and I will be their GOD. ‘But to those who proceed after

their corrupt and depraved hearts, I will bring their own course on their heads} says the Mtoiuv Loia1>.’ fhgekizl Qlinrrinh lmciz in %pirit in 22 Oliimlircu. Then the Keruhim raised their

wings, and the wheels accompanied them,_and the splendour of the Gon of Israel ascended above them. The splendour of the Loran also ascended from the centre of the city,and rested upon the hill to the east of the town. 'I`hewind then raised me and brought me to Kasdim, to the Transportation, in the visi0n,~—in the spirit of GOD.

And the vision which I had seen departed from me, I afterwards re- ported to the Transports all the things from the Evnx-Livmo that I had seen. Wiz Qtlrnphzt ®rh2reD tu tliilpxugc 12 his Etienne. Another time the command of the

Son of Adam! You are in the midst of a rebellious family, who have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not,-·—for they are a rebellious family. Consequently, Son of Adam, prepare your furniture for removal,—·—and remove it daily in their sight, and remove from your own home to another home in their sight. Perhaps they will look on, although they are a rebellious family. So bring out your furniture, like furniture for removal, daily, in their sight, and go away at dusk in their


sight as emigrants start. In their sight break a hole through your wall, and go out by it. Carry a knapsack on your shoulder in their sight. Go out in the dark with your face covered, and look not at the country,—-for I am making you a sign to the House of Israel} I consequently did as He com-

manded me. I brought out my fur- niture, like the furniture of an emi- grant by day, and at evening I broke a hole in my wall, by hand. I went out in the dark, carrying a knapsack on my shoulder in their sight. But the command of the EVER-

Llvmo came to me in the morning Son of man, when the House of Israel, the rebellious family, ask what you were doing ? Say to them, ‘Thus says the Mionrv Loran, ‘This burden will load all ]eru~

salem, and all the House of Israel who are among them. Say, I am a sign to you,-as I have done, so it shall be done to them,—·—they will be transported to captivity, and the Prince amongst them shall have his shoulder loaded in darkness, and go out through the wall they have broken for him to go through, with covered face, so that he may not see the country with his eyes. Por I will spread My net over him, and take him in My snare, and bring him to Babel,·——t0 the land of the Kasdim. However he shall not see it, although he will die there. And I will scatter all his friends who are about him, and all his troops, to every wind, and draw a sword after them. Then they will learn that I am the l£vnR—r.1vmo, when I drive them to the Heathen, and sow them over the countries. I will, however, rescue a part from the sword, from the famine, and from disease,—~—so that they may relate all their depravities to the heathen wherever they go,~·——and learn that I am the Evan-1.rvmo.’ XO I1 I2 16 W12 @2¤¤lnii¤u nf the §ulg Zaire. The command of the Lonn came again to me to say : ‘ Son of Adam ! Eat your bread in

terror, and drink your water with trembling and fear, and say to the people of the country, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD to the inhabitants of ]erusa1em,———to the soil of Israel. You shall eat your bread in fear, and drink your water in stupor, because the country is stripped of its products by 557 x8

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0557

The History of the People of Israel