Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 560

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. zz 14·——22 16--20 ‘A portion, h0wevcr,of her sons and

daughters shall escape as fugitives. They shall come out to you, and you can see their ways and proceedings, and console them about all the suffering that I brought upon jerusa~· lem,—all that I brought on her. They will also console you when they see your ways and proceedings,—-and you will learn that I have not done to her the MIGHTY LORD said. israel ®¤mparzh in u @2aB Qin: Qruncly. 15 The message of the EvER·L1v1N<3 Son of Adam! what is done with the Vine among the trees? The branch that was with the trees of the forest? ls wood taken from it to make anything for use? They take none of ~ it, except to hang something upon! Both ends of it are put in the fire to be consumed,-—the tire will devour the middle of it. Is it useful for working? Indeed when it was perfect, it could not be made of use,·—h0w then when the fire has consumed, and burnt, can it be made into anything ? thus said the MIGHTY

like the vine among the trees of the forest, which they put upon the fire to be consumed, so I will put the population of jerusalem, and set My face against them. They have grown for the fire,--and the fire shall consume them;-then you will learn that I am the Evan-1.1vmo, when I turn My face against them, and make the country a waste, the Mtcurv Loan said. @ message in Zzrusalzm mt lyzr §in¤. 16 The message of the EVER—L1vING Son of Adam, inform jerusalem of her depravities, and proclaim, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD to jerusalem ; By origin and race you are of the land of Canan E--your father an Amorite, and your mother a Hitite! And at your nativity,—·—·on the day of your birth-, your navel was not cut, nor were you washed clean with water, nor salted with salt, nor swathecl with bandages. No eye pitied you, to do any of these to you, from affection for you, but you were flung on the surface of the earth, an out- cast life on the day of your birth l ‘ I, however, passed near you, and

saw you wallowing in your blood, and said to you in your bleeding, ‘Livel’ and repeated to you when bleeding, ‘ Live! ’ Then I made you grow like the plants of the field, and you iiourished and grew up, and became very beautiful ! Your breasts developed, and your hair grew and you were a beauty of beauties ;—--yet you were naked and bare. But I passed by you, and looked at you, and saw yours was the time for lovers, so I threw My cloak over you, and covered your nakedness, and made you a promise, a.nd produced a says the MIGHTY and you became Mine. Then I washed you in water, and swept your blood from you, and refreshed you with oil, and clothed you in embroidery and shed you with sealskin, and girdled you with muslin, robed you in silk, and adorned you with jewellery, and put bracelets on your wrists, and a collar on your neck. I also put a locket on your brow, and earrings on your ears, and a beautiful turban on your head, and ornaments of gold and silver, and your clothing was fine muslin, and silk, and embroidery. And I fed you with fine Hour, and honey, and oil, and you were very beautiful, and you grew to be a Queen! Then your fame for beauty went out to the nations,~—-for it was perfect, from My majesty that I had put upon ·you,’ You, however, relied upon your beauty, and whored upon your fame, and poured out your fornication to every traveller who might come! And you took your robes and made yourself luxurious couches, and fornicated upon them,·—-without payment or feel You also took your beautiful jewels,··-My gold, and My silver, which I had given, to you, and made yourself forms like males, and forni- cated /with them! And took your bordered robes and covered them, and put My oil, and My incense before them! And My bread of fine flour, oil, and honey, which I had given you to eat, you placed before them for a dainty, and it was a dainty/’ says the M1GHTv Loan. ‘ And you took your sons and your 560 I0 II I2 16 x8 20

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The History of the People of Israel