but that you must murder My children, and give them to be passed round as food? And in all your depravities, and all your whoredoms, have you not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare? and were wallowiug in your blood ? But now after all your says you have built yourself a mound, and made yourself an erection in every square! and at the top of every street you have con— structed couches, and prostituted your beauty, and spread your legs for every passenger, and increased your whoredoms! ‘ You have also fornicated with the
big-bodied sons of the Mitzeraim. your neighbours,-—·- aud multiplied your whoredoms to provoke Me. So now I have extended My hand against you, and will diminish your allowance, and give you to the will of your haters, the daughters of the Philistines.-—Will they shame you from your vile ways? ‘ You also whored with Ashur,-— but
were not satiated l Then whored with them again,—·and were not satiated! Then you extended your fomications to the land of merchants, the Kasdim. But even by that you were not satiated! Why! your heart should says the M1GH‘rY at your doing all these things,·-the acts of an impudent, whorish woman.! At your building mounds at the top of every road, and making your erections in every square;—-and were not like a harlot, for you scorned pay. You were an
adulterous wife, taking strangers instead of her husband! They give pay to every prostitute, but you gave pay to your lovers! and bribed them to come to you from round about to whore you. And you are different to other women with your whore- rnongers;-—they do not follow you to 1 N ora.-·—Ch. 16, v. 20. This striking phrase
clearly indicates that cannibalism, even on their own children by their parents, was one ofthe horrors of the Pagan worshig of the apostate Hebrews. We need not t erefore wonder at the unmeasured Divine denuncia·· gm;against their toleration of paganism. } 16-47
fornicate,-—l>ut you give them pay, and they give not pay to you-so you are diderentl Therefore, harlot, hear the message
ofthe EvER·L1VrNG. Thus says the Because your filth was poured out, and your nakedness uncovered, for your fornications with your lovers, and for all your depraved idols, and because of the blood of your children who were given to them,·-—I will in consequence collect all your paramours with whom you luxuriated, and all whom you have loved, with all whom you hated;-1 will collect them against you from around, and strip your shame before them, and they shall see your shame! Then I will punish you with the punishment that adulteresses and murderesses are punished with, and shed your blood with indignation and contempt. Yes! I will iput you in their power, and they will overturn your mounds, and throw down your erections, and strip od your clothes, and seize your beautiful jewels, and make you sit naked and bare. Then I will bring a mob about you, and they will kill you by stoning, and hack you with their swords, and bum your houses with tire, and execute justice upon you in the sight of a crowd of wome¤,————when you will cease from your whoredom,-——and never again give your payments. That is how I will gratify My indig- nation upon you! Then My rage will turn from you, and I can rest, and be no more provoked. Because you did not remember the days of your youth, but irritated Me by all those things,··-—consequently I will put your says the MIGHTY for have you not practised this vice beyond all your depravities 2 ‘ Look! Everyone can repeat this
proverb against you, ‘ Like mother, like daughter l ’ You are your mother's daughter! she loathed her husband and children ;-—-and the sister of your sisters ;—they loathed their husbands, and their children; their mother was a Hitite, and
their father an Amorite. Your elder sister is Shomercn, and her daughters who sit at your left, and your younger sister is Sodom and her daughters who sit at your right. And have you not walked on their road? and as they did, and as they depraved them- 35 37 39 43 44 45 47 selves, have not you done? That 561