Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 562

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. 16--48 17··-I3 49 was little! for you corrupted yourself more than they in every way I · says the MIGHTY

Sodom, your sister, she and her daughters did not do what you and your daughters have done! Look! This was the fault of Sodom, your sister·——pride, gluttcmy, and careless ease, were hers, and her daughters’ ; and that she did not support the house of the poor and wretched. They were also haughty, and practised depravity before Me, so I swept them away as you have seen. ‘Aud Shomeron did not sin half

your sins, for you increased your depravities, more than her ;——-and you have made an excuse for your sister by all the V depravities you have

52 practised! So hear your own dis— grace, since you blamed your sisters about your own sins, in which you have depraved .yourself.——-They were 53 54 55 57 59 61 more excusable than you.——However, be ashamed of yourself, aud bear your infamy, by the excuse you have made for your sisters! ‘S0 I will turn away the slavery of

the slaves of Sodom, and her daugh- ters;—-—and the slavery of Shomeron, and her daughters, and the slavery of your slaves amongst them ; so that you may bear infamy, and be ashamed of all that you have done to excuse them! Your sister, Sodom, however, and her daughters were captured first; then Shomeron and `her daughters were captured in antici· pation ;, and now your daughters are captured previous to yourself! But yet your sister Sodompwas not heard of from your mouth in the day of your pride, before your vices were discovered, at the time of the insult to the daughters of Aram, and her neighbours-—the daughters of the Philishtim, who were dogged around you, for the wickedness and depravi- the E,vER·L1v1NG says. the Mxcurr Loup

I have done to you, as you have done.—#as you treated your oath with contempt, and broke the contract. However, I will call to mind

My contract with you in the days of your youth,-··and make a lasting contract with you, when you reflect on your ways and your infamy during your marriage, along with your elder sister, and your younger, and I will give them to you for

attendants, but not for your control. Thus I will settle a contract with 62 you, when you learn that I am Master! so that you may reflect and 63 be ashamed, and never again make for yourself an open path for your infamy,——after I have forgiven you says the Micurv Loma. Egrkiri ®rhzrrh in make or §u;gl2 out uf n hlixwplnnt. Again the message of the EVER- 17 L1v1NG came to me saying: ‘Son of Adam! Make a puzzle

and an enigma about the House of 1`hus says the MIGHTY LORD, There was a great eagle with big strong spreading wings, full of variegated feathers, who came to Lebanon, and seized his cedar boughs,—the topmost shoots, broke them off, and carried them

to the Land of T rade,——planting them in the Town of Merchants. He also took some of the seed from that country, and sowed it on a seed-field, near plenty of water,-—he planted it like a willow, and it grew, and became like a luxuriant vine, low in height, with branches twisting on themselves, and its roots were under it. Thus it became a vine, and pro- duced and sent out shoots. ‘But there was another Great

Eagle with big wings, and many feathers, and you see this vine turned its roots towards him, and sent out branches for him to water it,—on the open field by plenty of water where it was set to produce grapes,-to bear fruit, and be a glorious vine. said the Mionrv Loan,

‘ will it prosper? Will he not cut off its roots, shoots, and fruit? and make all its flourishing leaves wither, even without a strong arm, or many people to pull it up from the roots? So look! having been planted will it prosper ?—···wi1l it not at the approach of the East Wind wither on the bed where it grows? ’ Again the message of the Even- Livmo came to me to say: ‘ Ask the rebellious family, Do you

not know what this thing means ?· You saw the king of Babel came to jeru- salem, and he took its king and princes, and brought them with him to Babel. Then he took some of the 562 IO II I2

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