and robbed,-·-—as above, and produced no benefit amongst his people,—·~be sure will die for his own faults. But, you may ask, why should
not the son bear the faults of his father P When the son does justly and
rightly, and regards all My Institu- tions, and practises them,—·—·-he shall live. The sinning person himself shall die ;-—-the son shall not bear the faults of the father,-»and the father shall not bear the faults of the son. The goodness of the good shall be on him, and the wickedness ofthe wicked be upon himself. But when the wicked turns from his sin that he has done, and regards all My Institu- ti0ns,and practises justice and right, he shall 1ive,—-not die. All the
wickedness he has done will not be remembered against him, because of thegoodness that he then practises. ‘ Have I any pleasure in the death
the Mrcrrrv Loan I would rather he should turn from his wicked course and live. ‘ But if a good man abandons his
goodness, and does wrong in the manner that all the wicked are used to deprave themselves, all the right- eousness which he was accustomed
to, will not be remembered, because of his vices that he commits, and the sins he sins,——he will die by them. 1`he course of the A1.MxGH1·Y is not straight} ‘ Listen, however, House of Israel!
If My course is not straight, are not your courses crooked? ‘When the good man turns from
his righbdoing, and practises wicked· ness, and dies in it,-——he dies wicked. And when the wicked turns from his wickedness that he was used to, and does justly and rightly, that person lives by it ;—-—for he reflected and abandoned all his wickedness that he was accustomed to in his life. He will not die! ‘ Yet the House of Israel say,
‘ The course of the ALMIGHTY is not straight l ’ ‘I-iouse of Israel! are not your courses crooked? ‘Consequently I will judge you,
everyone according to his ways, the MIGHTY LORD Change and turn your— selves from all your sins, and do not let your passions be an impediment to you! Fling all your wickedness in which you sinned from you, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit,—~·for why should you die? House of Israel? For I do not de· says therefore turn, And you !——raise a lament over the princes of Israel, and say: Elie ‘§n1¤mttnli¤u. What was your mother? A lioness couched among lions Among the young lions she nourished her whelps! And one of her cubs became Thé Yolmg Li0¤,· And learnt to tear plunder,-devouring men !
But the nations heard of him and caught in their pit, And they brought in a cage to the land of Mitz'raim. When she saw as she watched that her darling was gone, She selecteda whelp, and made him the young lion; And he marched in the midst of the lions a king! And learnt to tear plunder,——devouring menl Guessed the weak ones and ruined ,——¢and ravaged the cities, And all the land rang with the sound of his roars! Then the nations came on him around from their forts, And flung on him their net, and secured in their pit, And put in a cage, and brought to Babel’s king, Who confined in a den,—that he should not resound His voice for the future on Israel’s hills! s<>4 25 26 28 3 2 19