men of Israel and say to them, ‘ Thus asks the Mrs:-rtw Loan: Have you come to enquire of Me? ' By My life the judge them, judge them, Son of Adam. Teach them the depravities of their fathers, and tell them;-—'I`hus says the Mrcmrv Loan. At the time I chose Israel, and lifted up My hand to the race of the House of jacob, and dis- closed Myself to them in the country of the Mitzeraim, and lifted up My hand to them, and said, I am your EvER¢L1vxNG GOD ; at that time when I raised My hand to them to bring them from the land of the Mitzeraim to the country I intendedfor them, llowing with milk and, honey,——it‘ is the most splendid of all countries; I said to each of them, ‘ Flingaway the pollutions from your eyes, and do not corrupt yourselves with the idols of`theMitzeraim. Iam your EVER- mvme Gon! ' But they rebelled Thus I brought them out of the country of the Mitzeraim, and con- ducted them to the desert, and gave them the Institutions and Decrees that I taught; which the man who practises will live by them. I also gave them. My Sabbaths, to be a memorial between them and Me, that I am the EvEk>L1v1NG, their Sanctuary. But the House of Israel rebelled against Me in the Desert. They didnot follow My Institutions, and rejected the Decrees that I had made for them; and violated My Sabbaths greatly,~·-—therefore I threat- ened to pour out My wrath upon them, to destroy them in the Desert. However I worked for My NAME,
so that it might not be degraded in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I had broughtgthem out. Yet I lifted up My hand to them in the Desert, declaring I would not bring them to the country I had given them, flowing with milk and honey,-—ethe most splendid of all lands,-because they rejected My Decrees, and did not walk in My Institutions.--—and profaned My Sabbaths—-·for they went after the idols- of their hearts l How- ever, My eye refrained from destroy· ing, and I did not make an end of them in the Desert. But I said to their children in the Desert, ‘ Do not walk after the ideas of your fathers,
against Me, and were not desirous to ` norfollow their decisions, nor corrupt listento Me. Every one of them ·A yourselves with their Idols; am not fling away the pollutionsof his eyes, nor did they abandon the idols ofthe Mitzeraim ;#—-thereforel threat- ened to pour out My»ix1digna.tio_n upon them., to assuage My anger at themin the land ofthe Mitzeraim. However, I acted, because of lMy name, so as not to degrade it in the sight of the heathen amongst whom they were;-·—in whose sight I dis- covered Myself to them.--and brought them out from the land of Mitzer. your Evxmmxvmc Gon! Walk ac- cording to My Institutions, and pre- serve M y Decrees, and practisa them ; and sanctify My Sabbaths, amd let them be a memorial between Me and y0u,.t0 teach you that I am your EvER—Lxvmc GOD. ‘ But the children also rebélled I0 XI X2 I! I2 16 :8 2I against Mel They did uct walk by My Institutions, and did not preserve My Decrees, and practise them, which if a man practises he will live $65