the children of Israel, but they would not listen to Moses for their anguish of spirit, and from their hard slavery.
Ely: ilcpmirh message in Qlynruly. io The Evenmrvmo again spoke to Go! tell to Pharoh King of Mitzer that he must dismiss the children of Israel from his country} rz But Moses replied against the Ev;2R~ The children of Israel themselves would not listen to me ; so certainly Pharoh will not listen to me. I am, also, dull in speech. ileiierateh ®¤mmanh tu appmacb $l)u1·¤l;. :3 The Even-Livmo, however, com- manded Moses and Aaron again, and sent them to the children of Israel, and to Pharoh King of the Mitzeraim to demand the release of the children of Israel from the land of the Mitzeraim. The verses from 14 to 25 are clearly
inserted here by mistake of an old trauscriber, or were a note of some editor. I therefore append them at the foot of the page.-—F. F. Wha Qncezlral ®l;iefs of israel. :6 These arethe heads of the Ancestral
Houses of the sons of Reuben, the eldest of Israel :-· Hauok, and Hazran, and Karmi,~·—these were of the families of Reuben. And the sons of Simeon; Imucl, and
Iman,.aud Abad, and jakin, and Zokhar, and Shan}, the son of the Cauanitess; these were the families of Simeon. And these were the names of the sons of Levi ;—-by their order of birth; Ghersham, and I{:ilmtli, and Merarl, :md_•he years of the lift: of Levi were a liuudred and thirty-seven years: The sons of Ghersham, Libni, and Thus the Even-Livme spoke to
Aaron and Moses to lead the chil· dren of Israel out of the land of the Mitzemim by their armies. Ilecaused them, Moses and Aaron, to demand from Pharoh King of the Mitzeraim to allow the children of Israel to go out of Mitzoraim. The E.vnR—1.1v1N<; was speaking daily to Moses in the land of the Mitzeraim. Thus the Loma commanded Moses;
‘ I am the Evan-Livlnoi Speak to Pharoh King of the Mitzerairn all that I command you. But Moses replied, in the face of the
I am only slow of tongue, so Pharoh will not listen to Wye ¥lagizes nf (Egypt. The EVER-LIVING, however, an-
See, I will make you like a GOD to Pharoli, and Aaron your brother shall be your Reciter. Therefore you must say all that I command you to your brother, and he shall repeat to Pharoli that he must send the children of Israel from his country. But I will make‘Pharoh’s heart obstinate, and I will multiply evidences and wonders in the land of the Mitzaraim. But Phamh will not listen to you, so I will lay My hand upon the Mitzcrites, and will bring out My People, the children of Israel, from the land of the Mitzeraim with Shimai, with their fainilies. And the sons of Kahath were Amram, and Itzar, and Habronand Azrieland the ears of t , ; (yhe life of Kahath were a hundre and thirty- th ree (years. An the sons, of Merari were Malili, and
Mushi; these were the families of Levi by their birth. When Amram mnrri-ed he took his
cousin jokabad to him, amd she bore to him Aaron and Moses, and the years of the life of Amram were a hundred and thirty- seven years. And the sons of Izachar were Korah, 26 28 20 21
and Nafag, and Zikri, and the sons of 22 Azuiel Misliael and Alzaphzm, and Sithri But Aaron mzrrried as his wife Alishzmm 23 the daughter of Aminadnb, the sister of Nulmslion, amd she bore him Nudub and Abihud; Eliczar and Aithzuuzxr. Ami the sons of Korah were Asir, and
Alkzmah, ami Abiasaf. These were the families of Komhites. But Eliezer the son of Aaron took zi
wife from the dnugliters of Putiel, and she bore to him 1·im:h:1s. These were the chief faxtlxers of the Levites by their families. PK