Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 58

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS. 7--5 IO II I2 r6 18 Great judgments, so that the Mitzep ites may know that I am the EVER- L1v1NG, when I stretch out My hand over the Mitzeraim and bring up the children of Israel from among So Moses and Aaron did as the

EvER—L1v1No commanded them, They did it. But Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty—six years old, when they spoke to Pharoh. Thus the EvER—L1v1N<s spoke to

Since Pharoh has said to you ‘Give us an Evidence’ instruct Aaron,-—~Take your rod and throw it down before Pharoh and it shall become a serpent! Moses and Aaron therefore went

to Pharoh, and did as the EVER- L1v1NG commanded, and he threw down his rod before Pharoh, and before his ministers,and it became a serpent. But Pharoh summoned the scien-

tists and chemists, and they also did it, assisted by the engineers of the Mitzeraim, by their delusions. For each of them threw down their rods! and they became serpents, but the rod of Aaron swallowed their rods. However the heart of Pharoh was hardened, and he would not listen to them ;—·—as the EVER-LIVING had foretold. The Even-Livino then said to

The heart of Pharoh is de- cided not to let the people depart. Confront Pharoh in the morning, when he goes to the bath, and stand to meet him at the bank of the river, and take the rod which turned to a serpent in your hand. Then say to The Evan-Livmo Gon of the Hebrews has sent me to you to say, ‘ Let My People go and serve Me in the desert. But if you will not listen to that, thus says the EVER- LIVING, by this you shall learn that I am the MAsrER:——~When I strike with the rod which is in my hand upon the waters which are in the ri-ver, they shall turn to blood! And the fish which are in the river shall die; and the river shall stink; and the Mitzerites shall loathe to drink of the water of the river !' The EvEi2—L1v1Nc; also said to

Say to Aaron; Take your rod and extend your hand over the waters of Mitzer ;——over the streams, over the brooks, the pools, and over all the reservoirs of water; and they shall become blood; and they shall be blood in all the land of the Mitzer- ites, both in wood and in stone.’ Therefore Moses and Aaron did as

the Evan-Lrvmo commanded, and splashed with the rod, and the hand, the waters which were in the river before the eyes of Pharoh, and before the eyes of his ministers, and all the waters in the river turned to blood ; and the {ish which were in the river died, and the river stank, and the Mitzerites were not able to drink of the water from the river, for it became blood in all the land ot` the Mitzeraim. The engineers of Mitzer, however,

did the same by their delusions; therefore the heart of Pharoh was hardened, and he would not listen to them-——as the EVER-LIVING had fore- told. Pharoh, therefore, turned his face and went to his palace, and did not alter his heart even for this. But all the Mitzerites dug pits along

the river for water to drink, for they were not able to drink the waters from the river. This continued for seven days after the EVER-LIVING had struck the waters of the river. Then the Evan-Livmo said to

Go to Pharoh and say to him ;—‘ Thus says the EVER-LIVING! Send My People away to serve Me; but if you will not send them, then I will plague all your dominions with frogs, and the river shall swarm with frogs, and they shall crawl up, and come into your palace, and to your chamber, to your couch, and up to your bed; and to the palaces of your ministers, and of your people, and to your daughters. In this way the frogs shall come up upon your people, Then the Evan-Lrvmo said to

Command your brother Aaron ; ‘ Extend your hand with your rod over the rivers, and streams, and lakes, so that the frogs may come up over the land of Mitzer.’ Aaron consequently extended his

hand over the waters of Mitzer, and frogs came up and plagued the land of the Mitzeraim. The scientists, however, did the

same by their engineering, and also brought up frogs upon the land of the Mitzeraim. Pharoh, however, sum- moned Moses and Aaron, and said; ‘ Entreat the Evan-Livino, that He may turn away the frogs from my sight, and from my touch, when I 58 zo 21 22 26 28

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0058

The History of the People of Israel