over the king of Tzur, and say to him, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD, §\ inmznhriimt for Eur:. ‘ You perfect seal! full of science and spotless in beauty! You once were in Eden the garden of GOD! Every stone that is precious was fastened upon you, Ruby, topaz, and diamond ; the beryl and onyx; Sapphire, emerald, and opal; in chasings of gold, They were made, and set on you the day you were born I ' And you were the Kerub, the holy protector, And sat on the hill that was sacred to GOD : You walked in the midst of the bright flashing jewels; You were right in- your path from the day of your birth ! Until in yourself the corruption was formed; Till your trades filled your breast with extortion and wrong! So I Hung you out from the mountain of Godhood, And sent your guardian Spirit from among the bright gems! From your beauty your heart rose; your science corrupted ; Notwithstanding your splendour I flung you to earth ; And before kings, I cast you, to show what you are! ‘Your great passion for trade deeply wounded your virtues, So I bring tire from you, consuming yourself! And on earth lay your ashes, in sight of onlookers; All nations who knew you will shudder above you! You have been a terror; but shall be never more! Elia Quumanf Zihmt. Then the command of the EVER- LIVING came to me to say : ‘Son of Adam! Set your face
against Zidon, and proclaim to her, and say, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD! Zidon! I am against you, and I will be honoured amongst you. Then they will know that I am the EvER·L1v1NG, when I execute justice onher; and I shall be respected in her. For I will send a plague to her, and bloodshed in her streets, and the slain shall fall in her from the sword that assails her around ;—-·then they will learn thatl am the EvER·L1v1NG. And there shall not be again an irritation from them, or painful briar to the House of Israel, from any around, but they will learn that I am the Micnry LORD! dbz ‘§r¤s¤u from tbz inte nf $srurl’s (Enemies. The Mxoury LORD declares thus: ‘When I collect the House of
Israel from the Peoples among whom I have scattered them, and have been reverenced by them in the sight of the heathen, and they are restored to the soil I-gave to Myservant jacob, upon which they shall dwell in safety, 575 rr I2 16 18 25 :.-6